Excitement in spanish


pronunciation: emoʊθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

excitement = emoción, ilusión, excitación, expectación, sensación, impresión. 

Example: If done effectively, displays can add interest and even excitement to the process of information discovery.


» be overwhelmed with + excitement = estar muy entusiasmado, estar entusiasmadísimo.

Example: We were overwhelmed with excitement and this has given us renewed energy to deliver a high quality tournament.

» dampen + Posesivo + excitement = enfriar el entusiasmo, calmar la euforia, calmar la excitación.

Example: While a widely reported slowdown in U.S. construction dampens excitement, the overall mood is guarded optimism.

» there + be + an air of excitement = haber un aire de emoción, respirarse emoción en el aire.

Example: There was an air of excitement and expectation from the many spectators who followed the cavalcade of vehicles.

» tremble with + excitement = estremecerse de emoción.

Example: Her bare feet felt the throbbing earth and her body trembled with excitement.

Excitement synonyms

turmoil in spanish: confusión, pronunciation: tɜrmɔɪl part of speech: noun upheaval in spanish: convulsión, pronunciation: əphivəl part of speech: noun agitation in spanish: agitación, pronunciation: ædʒəteɪʃən part of speech: noun hullabaloo in spanish: tumulto, pronunciation: hələbəlu part of speech: noun exhilaration in spanish: regocijo, pronunciation: ɪgzɪlɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun excitation in spanish: excitación, pronunciation: eksaɪteɪʃən part of speech: noun
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