Excited in spanish


pronunciation: emoʊθioʊnɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

excite = excitarse, entusiasmarse, ilusionarse, ilusionar. 

Example: Finally, we cannot help being excited by the fact that we, as a profession, find ourselves, for better or worse, embedded in the eye of the storm of significant change.


» be excited about = estar muy emocionado con/por, hacer mucha ilusión, hacer ilusión.

Example: I'm not a catalog person, I'm a computer person, and I'm very excited about this concept.

» excite + Posesive + wrath = provocar + Posesivo + ira, ofender a Alguien.

Example: To stand up to Murdoch and take the slightest step to curb his power or even apply the law was to excite his wrath.

» excite + Posesivo + attention = suscitar la curiosidad, despertar la curiosidad, llamar la atención.

Example: Bright new copies of an unknown book naturally excite more attention than old 'readers' soiled from overuse.

» excite + Posesivo + curiosity = despertar + Posesivo + curiosidad, incitar + Posesivo + curiosidad.

Example: This software is still in its infancy, but its launch excited the curiosity of many users, and produced a spin-off in the form of increased usage of the other two databases.

» overexcite = sobreexcitar, acelerar, excitar demasiado. 

Example: Her mother scolded him for overexciting her before eating.

excited = ilusionado, encantado, contento, emocionado. 

Example: First of all, I was very excited by hematology, this field of medicine treating blood diseases.


» be all excited = estar todo ilusionado.

Example: She was all excited about the relationship and possibly the engagement but she sat on her hands and did nothing to make things better.

» get + excited = excitarse, entusiasmarse, sulfurarse, acelerarse.

Example: Under pressure, getting excited yields better results than remaining calm.

» get + too excited = sobreexcitarse, excitarse demasiado.

Example: People with narcolepsy will fall asleep, often after a funny joke, or when they get too excited.

» overexcited = sobreexcitado. 

Example: Technically, this exaggerated fear response results from an overexcited limbic system.

Excited synonyms

wild in spanish: salvaje, pronunciation: waɪld part of speech: adjective crazy in spanish: loco, pronunciation: kreɪzi part of speech: adjective mad in spanish: enojado, pronunciation: mæd part of speech: adjective frantic in spanish: frenético, pronunciation: fræntɪk part of speech: adjective nervous in spanish: nervioso, pronunciation: nɜrvəs part of speech: adjective agog in spanish: emocionado, pronunciation: əgɑg part of speech: adjective agitated in spanish: agitado, pronunciation: ædʒəteɪtəd part of speech: adjective emotional in spanish: emocional, pronunciation: ɪmoʊʃənəl part of speech: adjective drunk in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: drʌŋk part of speech: adjective, noun delirious in spanish: delirante, pronunciation: dɪlɪriəs part of speech: adjective thrilled in spanish: emocionado, pronunciation: θrɪld part of speech: adjective reactive in spanish: reactivo, pronunciation: riæktɪv part of speech: adjective aroused in spanish: despertado, pronunciation: ɜraʊzd part of speech: adjective intoxicated in spanish: embriagado, pronunciation: ɪntɑksəkeɪtəd part of speech: adjective stirred in spanish: movido, pronunciation: stɜrd part of speech: adjective unrestrained in spanish: desenfrenado, pronunciation: ənristreɪnd part of speech: adjective aflutter in spanish: agitado, pronunciation: əflʌtɜr part of speech: adjective activated in spanish: activado, pronunciation: æktəveɪtəd part of speech: adjective teased in spanish: bromeó, pronunciation: tizd part of speech: adjective stimulated in spanish: estimulado, pronunciation: stɪmjəleɪtəd part of speech: adjective fevered in spanish: febril, pronunciation: fivɜrd part of speech: adjective titillated in spanish: titilado, pronunciation: tɪtəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective stirred up in spanish: suscitado, pronunciation: stɜrdʌp part of speech: adjective overexcited in spanish: sobreexcitado, pronunciation: oʊvɜreksaɪtɪd part of speech: adjective thrillful in spanish: emocionante, pronunciation: θrɪlfəl part of speech: adjective

Excited antonyms

unexcited pronunciation: ənɪksaɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
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