Excite in spanish


pronunciation: eksθitɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

excite = excitarse, entusiasmarse, ilusionarse, ilusionar. 

Example: Finally, we cannot help being excited by the fact that we, as a profession, find ourselves, for better or worse, embedded in the eye of the storm of significant change.


» be excited about = estar muy emocionado con/por, hacer mucha ilusión, hacer ilusión.

Example: I'm not a catalog person, I'm a computer person, and I'm very excited about this concept.

» excite + Posesive + wrath = provocar + Posesivo + ira, ofender a Alguien.

Example: To stand up to Murdoch and take the slightest step to curb his power or even apply the law was to excite his wrath.

» excite + Posesivo + attention = suscitar la curiosidad, despertar la curiosidad, llamar la atención.

Example: Bright new copies of an unknown book naturally excite more attention than old 'readers' soiled from overuse.

» excite + Posesivo + curiosity = despertar + Posesivo + curiosidad, incitar + Posesivo + curiosidad.

Example: This software is still in its infancy, but its launch excited the curiosity of many users, and produced a spin-off in the form of increased usage of the other two databases.

» overexcite = sobreexcitar, acelerar, excitar demasiado. 

Example: Her mother scolded him for overexciting her before eating.

Excite synonyms

charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun sex in spanish: sexo, pronunciation: seks part of speech: noun shake in spanish: sacudir, pronunciation: ʃeɪk part of speech: verb, noun stir in spanish: remover, pronunciation: stɜr part of speech: verb agitate in spanish: agitar, pronunciation: ædʒəteɪt part of speech: verb arouse in spanish: despertar, pronunciation: ɜraʊz part of speech: verb rouse in spanish: despertar, pronunciation: raʊs part of speech: verb stimulate in spanish: estimular, pronunciation: stɪmjəleɪt part of speech: verb wind up in spanish: acabar, pronunciation: waɪndʌp part of speech: verb energize in spanish: energizar, pronunciation: enɜrdʒaɪz part of speech: verb turn on in spanish: encender, pronunciation: tɜrnɑn part of speech: verb commove in spanish: molestar, pronunciation: kɑməvə part of speech: verb shake up in spanish: agitar, pronunciation: ʃeɪkʌp part of speech: verb charge up in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒʌp part of speech: verb

Excite antonyms

still pronunciation: stɪl part of speech: adverb quiet pronunciation: kwaɪət part of speech: adjective calm pronunciation: kɑm part of speech: adjective, verb, noun lull pronunciation: lʌl part of speech: noun, verb stifle pronunciation: staɪfəl part of speech: verb dampen pronunciation: dæmpən part of speech: verb quieten pronunciation: kwitən part of speech: verb tranquilize pronunciation: træŋkwəlaɪz part of speech: verb calm down pronunciation: kɑmdaʊn part of speech: verb tranquillize pronunciation: træŋkwɪlaɪz part of speech: verb
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