Exchange in spanish


pronunciation: inteɹ̩kɑmbiɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

exchange1 = intercambio, canje. 

Example: National agencies creating MARC records use national standards within their own country, and re-format records to UNIMARC for international exchange.


» ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific) = ASTINFO (Red Regional para el Intercambio de Información y Experiencias de la Ciencia y Tecnología en Asia y el Pacífico).

Example: The overall approach should be in line with the philosophy of ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific).

» bill of exchange = letra de cambio, pagaré bancario.

Example: A bill of exchange is a written order by the drawer to the drawee to pay money to the payee.

» conversation exchange = intercambio de conversación.

Example: This type of language exchange is known as conversation exchange.

» cultural exchange = intercambio cultural.

Example: But it was the cultural exchange between these Israeli athletes and the Americans who hosted them that made a lasting impact on both sides.

» currency exchange = cambio de moneda, cambio de divisas.

Example: However, not all banks provide a currency exchange service.

» currency exchange bureau = oficina de cambio.

Example: In banks and currency exchange bureaux you will see exchange rates quoted with very different buy and sell commissions.

» currency exchange rate = cambio de moneda.

Example: Their response was significantly different, however, in large part due to much better understanding of the effect of foreign currency exchange rates on subscription prices of scientific and technical journals.

» effect + an exchange = efectuar un intercambio.

Example: These copies were then used to effect exchanges with other universities with a view to the enrichment of the university library.

» electronic exchange of information = intercambio electrónico de información.

Example: The expression 'transborder data flows' (TBDF) encompasses a complex set of issues resulting from the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries.

» exchange acquisition = intercambio. [Adquisición resultante del acuerdo entre organizaciones, para suministrarse documentos mutuamente]

Example: The 'on approval', 'gift', and 'exchange' types are useful for statistical purposes.

» exchange bureau = oficina de cambio.

Example: Exchange bureaux have longer business hours than banks and are usually open at the weekend.

» exchange format = formato de intercambio.

Example: DMARC, like MARC itself, is an exchange format.

» exchange language = idioma de intercambio, lengua de intercambio. [En un sistema multilingüe, lengua utilizada para el intercambio de datos]

Example: An exchange language is the language used as a medium for data exchange in those multilingual systems which, as a matter of policy, decide to use terms selected from only one language for this purpose.

» exchange of address = intercambio de direcciones.

Example: The rites of spring among the snowbirds were farewell dinners, goodbye parties, exchanges of address, return of loaned radios, frying pans, and road maps.

» exchange of experience = intercambio de experiencias.

Example: This user group was created for the exchange of experience, sharing of problems and discussion on data bases and equipment.

» exchange office = oficina de cambio.

Example: An original passport (not a copy) is required for the majority of exchange offices.

» exchange of fire = tiroteo, intercambio de fuego.

Example: Four have died in an exchange of fire between Lebanese and Israeli troops.

» exchange of ideas = intercambio de ideas.

Example: In Western democracies, the free expression and exchange of ideas and information is a cornerstone of political belief.

» exchange of opinion on = intercambio de opiniones sobre.

Example: More exchange of opinion on and experiment with classification for on-line cataloguing is needed in Japan.

» exchange programme = programa de intercambio.

Example: There is now a possibility to enlist the benefits of exchange programmes through 'library twinning' arrangements.

» exchange rate = cambio de moneda, tipo de cambio.

Example: The price in the local currency is then calculated from the information in the exchange rate table.

» exchange rate change = variación de los tipos de cambio.

Example: Increases given are based on publishers' prices only and do not take account of the effect of exchange rate changes.

» exchange student = estudiante de intercambio, estudiante extranjero.

Example: Exchange students may have different enrolment procedures, depending on the university's agreement with the university in the student's home country.

» exchange visit = intercambio, visita de intercambio.

Example: The article 'To the Polar Circle on exchange visit' describes a 3 week exchange visit to the Regional Library in Rovaniemi, the largest of Finnish Lapland's 4 towns.

» financial exchange = mercado financiero.

Example: Also revealed is the endangerment of the open outcry trading system as the digital revolution replaces it at many of the world's financial exchanges.

» foreign exchange = cambio de moneda, cambio de divisas.

Example: This article defines financial information by looking at the information needs of 4 major divisions of the financial community: commodities; foreign exchange; capital markets; and securities and equities.

» foreign exchange market, the = mercado de divisas, el; mercado de cambio de moneda, el.

Example: The foreign exchange market or forex is the largest marketplace in the world with turnover in excess of US $4 trillion per day.

» foreign exchange rate = cambio de moneda.

Example: This article highlights the foreign exchange rate problem in library periodicals purchasing.

» heat exchange = intercambio de calor.

Example: This is the only facemask and balaclava that warms the air you breath using heat exchange technology.

» in exchange = a cambio, como contrapartida, en compensación.

Example: If the musician's landlord were to throw a party and desire music for it, he could hire the musician to play it by offering the month's rent in exchange.

» in exchange for = a cambio de, en compensación por, como contrapartida a.

Example: A number of libraries receive full sets of Library of Congress cataloguing records in exchange for certain cataloguing information.

» information exchange = intercambio de información.

Example: The Broad System of Ordering (BSO) is a general classification scheme which was designed primarily for information exchange and switching.

» international exchange = intercambio internacional. [Intercambio de documentos entre organizaciones de diferentes países o entre organizaciones internacionales]

Example: National agencies creating MARC records use national standards within their own country, and re-format records to UNIMARC for international exchange.

» job exchange = permuta de trabajo, permuta laboral, intercambio de puestos de trabajo.

Example: This article describes the steps taken by the author in planning a job exchange with a librarian in the UK.

» labour exchange = oficina de empleo, bolsa de trabajo.

Example: The paper presents and discusses labour-exchange systems in a small community of 90 peasant families in Santiago Island, Cape Verde.

» language exchange = intercambio lingüístico, intercambio de conversación.

Example: This type of language exchange is known as conversation exchange.

» learning exchange = intercambio de conocimientos.

Example: Other services the library may provide include a learning exchange, adult programs on topics of high interest, or occupational counselling.

» MARC Exchange Tape = Cinta de Intercambio de Registros MARC.

Example: BLBSD offers the Selective Record Service and MARC Exchange Tapes.

» market rate of exchange = cambio de moneda.

Example: For some countries trade fluctuates with changes in the weekly market rates of exchange, but for others it changes only when their currencies are realigned in the European Monetary System.

» national exchange = intercambio nacional. [Intercambio de documentos entre las organizaciones de un país]

Example: National exchange consists in the exchange of documents between organizations in one country.

» New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) = Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York.

Example: A trade in the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) is settled within five business days, while transaction executed in the Paris Bourse are settled only once a month.

» rate of exchange = tipo de cambio, cambio de moneda.

Example: As well as cuts imposed by the Government, libraries were faced with inflation in the price of books and periodicals, and a falling rate of exchange between the pound and the dollar.

» stock exchange = intercambio de fondos.

Example: Larger towns may have regional libraries that act as centres for the provision of reference services, inter-library loans, staffing expertise and stock exchange.

» stock exchange = bolsa, bolsa de valores, bolsa de cambio, mercado bursátil.

Example: This article reviews the Moody's 5000 Plus data base, of over 5000 companies listed on the New York and American stock exchanges, on CD-ROM.

» student exchange = intercambio de estudiantes.

Example: Twinning of libraries in different countries can bring benefits in terms of joint projects, student exchanges, and other buisness-related affairs.

» telephone exchange = central de teléfonos.

Example: Note the automatic telephone exchange, which has hundreds of thousands of such contacts, and yet is reliable.

» verbal exchange = intercambio verbal, diálogo.

Example: He makes his interlocutors wonder whether his violations of maxims are caused by mental aberration, rather than a conscious intent to disrupt verbal exchange.

exchange2 = intercambio verbal, debate. 

Example: Reports of interviews of exchanges are to be entered under the participant if the report is essentially confined to the words of the person(s) interviewed.

exchange3 = intecambiar, cambiar, canjear. 

Example: Inmates sold or exchanged everything they had for extra food.


» exchange + confidences = intercambiar confidencias, hacerse confidencias.

Example: I've never told a single soul about my quarrels with Bob. but maybe it would be a good thing for Deb and me to exchange confidences.

» exchange + data = intercambiar información.

Example: A free-standing terminal is a computer in its own right, which processes and stores data about the transactions and which may also exchange data with a central computer at predetermined intervals, say at the end of a working day.

» exchange + experience = intercambiar experiencias.

Example: The symposium was designed to exchange experience and to examine information services problem areas specific to small countries.

» exchange + glance = cruzar una mirada.

Example: The assistants exchanged a quick glance.

» exchange + greeting = intercambiar saludos.

Example: The 'empty sincerity' of the greeting one might exchange on passing an acquaintance on the street is not sufficient for reference enquirers, as Thomas Lee Eichman has recently explained.

» exchange + hotages = intercambiar rehenes.

Example: Opponents in war sometimes exchange hostages to ensure that a truce or treaty remains unbroken.

» exchange + ideas = intercambiar ideas.

Example: Electronic mail makes it possible to exchange ideas and texts and to seek answers to queries immediately and easily.

» exchange + Posesivo + vows = casarse.

Example: They have been mum about their wedding plans, including when and where they will exchange their vows.

» exchange + prisoners = intercambiar presos.

Example: Mozambique and Zimbabwe will soon exchange prisoners to serve their terms in their countries of origin.

» exchange + prisoners of war = intercambiar prisioneros de guerra, canjear prisioneros de guerra.

Example: When General Grant took command, the Union Army was still exchanging prisoners of war.

» exchange + remarks = intercambiar comentarios.

Example: They exchanged inconsequential remarks as one by one the committee members arrived.

» exchange + views = intercambiar opiniones. [Normalmente opiniones opuestas]

Example: A conspicuous coolness had existed between them since they had exchanged views on the hiring of Lisa Huish.

Exchange synonyms

change in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun, verb switch in spanish: cambiar, pronunciation: swɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb commute in spanish: conmutar, pronunciation: kəmjut part of speech: verb convert in spanish: convertir, pronunciation: kɑnvɜrt part of speech: verb, noun substitution in spanish: sustitución, pronunciation: səbstɪtuʃən part of speech: noun central in spanish: central, pronunciation: sentrəl part of speech: adjective, noun interchange in spanish: intercambio, pronunciation: ɪntɜrtʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun switch over in spanish: pasar a otra cosa, pronunciation: swɪtʃoʊvɜr part of speech: verb telephone exchange in spanish: central telefónica, pronunciation: teləfoʊnɪkstʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun
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