Exception in spanish


pronunciation: eksθepθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

exception = excepción. 

Example: The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.


» be no exception = no ser una excepción.

Example: The publication of a new edition of DC is always an important event, and the eighteenth edition, published in 1971, is no exception.

» be the exception = ser la excepción.

Example: In an age where large scale research are the norm rather than the exception, it is inevitable that the sponsors of such research will wish to keep the results to themselves.

» be the exception rather than the rule = ser la excepción que confirma la regla, ser algo excepcional, ser algo poco común.

Example: Public libraries carrying the latest issues of popular comics titles are still the exception rather than the rule = Las bibliotecas públicas que poseen los últimos números de los tebeos más conocidos siguen siendo la excepción que confirma la regla.

» be the norm rather than the exception = ser la norma más que la excepción.

Example: In an age where large scale research are the norm rather than the exception, it is inevitable that the sponsors of such research will wish to keep the results to themselves.

» constitute + the exception to the rule = ser la excepción a la regla.

Example: Naturally, there are always a few retired librarians who constitute the exception to the rule.

» exceptions to prove the rule = excepciones que confirman la regla.

Example: Praiseworthy piecemeal modifications of this library rigour stand out as exceptions to prove the rule.

» make + exceptions = hacer excepciones.

Example: People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves.

» state of exception = estado de excepción.

Example: These efforts at delegitimation were not isolated events, taking place in a state of exception around the world leaders' meeting.

» take + exception to = ofenderse por.

Example: No one could possibly take exception to that.

» take + exception to the idea that = ofenderse por.

Example: I don't feel partial either way but if I were a public librarian I think I would take exception to the idea that there was some kind of common plebeian form which I could use.

» with a few exceptions = salvo contadas excepciones, con muy pocas excepciones.

Example: With a few exceptions, copies of patents are easy and relatively cheap to acquire.

» with few exceptions = salvo contadas excepciones, con muy pocas excepciones.

Example: With few exceptions the new display types, which proliferated exuberantly during the first quarter of the century, were of three basic varieties.

» with + Número + exception = salvo + Número + excepción.

Example: With two exceptions, respondents took the view that incremental change would be adequate as a response to the new phenomenon.

» with one exception = a excepción de uno.

Example: With one exception, no picket striker or citizen was injured as a result of the presence of state troops.

» without exception = sin excepción.

Example: Almost without exception libraries have agreed with the liberal-minded who wanted to make the immigrants' transition into a new society as painless as possible.

» with rare exceptions = salvo raras excepciones.

Example: With rare exceptions, law firms prosper during good and bad economic times.

» with the exception of = a excepción de, con excepción de, excepto, quitando
(a), exceptuando (a), salvo.

Example: With the exception of trailer libraries, mobile library stops are usually of too short a duration to allow for anything other than book lending transaction.

Exception synonyms

exclusion in spanish: exclusión, pronunciation: ɪkskluʒən part of speech: noun
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