Except in spanish


pronunciation: eksθeptoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

except1 = excepto, sólo que. 

Example: After all, everyone except bibliographers and librarians have found the text on the title page adequate for the past 500 years.


» everybody except = todos menos, todos excepto.

Example: These rail passes are available to everybody except Australian citizens.

» everyone except = todos menos, todos excepto.

Example: All in all, Drexler has produced a fascinating book that everyone (except perhaps. serious hypochondriacs) ought to read.

» everything except (for) = todo menos, todo excepto.

Example: There is a remedy for everything except death.

» except for = a excepción de, con excepción de, excepto, quitando (a), exceptuando (a), salvo.

Example: Although I have not done a complete analytical search of library literature for discussions of the structures of catalogs, preliminary searches have turned up little except for historical discussions.

» except that = a excepción de que.

Example: Acoustic couplers serve a similar purpose except that they are not permanently wired; the handset is placed in the acoustic coupler to achieve a connection once a telephone line had been opened.

» except when = excepto en el caso de que, menos en el caso de que.

Example: There is therefore no justification for repeating the author's name except when the name in the heading differs significantly from that following the title.

except + Nombre + from2 = exceptuar de. 

Example: Her gymnastics skills were judged sufficiently high to warrant excepting her from the 12-year-old minimum age rule.

Except synonyms

demur in spanish: objetar, pronunciation: dɪmɜr part of speech: noun, verb omit in spanish: omitir, pronunciation: oʊmɪt part of speech: verb exclude in spanish: excluir, pronunciation: ɪksklud part of speech: verb take out in spanish: eliminar, pronunciation: teɪkaʊt part of speech: verb leave out in spanish: dejar, pronunciation: livaʊt part of speech: verb leave off in spanish: dejar fuera, pronunciation: livɔf part of speech: verb

Except antonyms

include pronunciation: ɪnklud part of speech: verb
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