Exceed in spanish


pronunciation: eksθedeɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

exceed = exceder, superar, rebasar. 

Example: In the same way, files of item record cards can be difficult to manage if the file size exceeds, say, 2000 cards.


» exceed + a limit = exceder un límite.

Example: Detector devices mounted in cars would emit a radio signal when deceleration exceeds a certain limit.

» exceed + Posesivo + expectations = superar las expectativas, exceder las expectativas, desbordar las expectativas.

Example: As we have seen, authorship and publishing are extremely chancy occupations and, whilst it is very common for books to fall below expectations in both sales and critical acclaim, it is also not uncommon for books to exceed their expectations and this can happen with general books in the middle range.

» far exceed = sobrepasar con creces, superar con creces.

Example: Binge drinking in many Wisconsin counties continues to far exceed the national average.

» over-exceed = sobreexceder, sobreexcederse, sobrepasar, sobrepasarse. 

Example: This is another way to make sure you do not over-exceed your budget and regret it later.

Exceed synonyms

top in spanish: parte superior, pronunciation: tɑp part of speech: noun, adjective pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun transcend in spanish: trascender, pronunciation: trænsend part of speech: verb surpass in spanish: superar, pronunciation: sɜrpæs part of speech: verb outdo in spanish: exceder, pronunciation: aʊtdu part of speech: verb surmount in spanish: superar a, pronunciation: sɜrmaʊnt part of speech: verb outstrip in spanish: superar, pronunciation: aʊtstrɪp part of speech: verb overstep in spanish: traspasar, pronunciation: oʊvɜrstep part of speech: verb outgo in spanish: gastos, pronunciation: aʊtgoʊ part of speech: noun outmatch in spanish: aventajar, pronunciation: aʊtmætʃ part of speech: verb go past in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: goʊpæst part of speech: verb
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