Example in spanish


pronunciation: exemploʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

example = ejemplo. 

Example: Examples are given in order to illustrate the points made above.


» afford + an example = ofrecer un ejemplo.

Example: The annals of bibliography afford many examples of the delirious extent to which book-fancying can go, when the legitimate delight in a book is transferred to a rare edition of a manuscript.

» as an example = como ejemplo; como botón de muestra; como muestra, un botón.

Example: As an example, if you have typed 'DDOBIS/Leuven', you can correct the spelling by positioning the cursor under one of the 'D's' and pressing the delete key.

» be a textbook example of = ser un ejemplo clásico de, ser un ejemplo típico de.

Example: This is a textbook example of what an ambitious and talented young director can do with modest resources.

» by example(s) = con ejemplos.

Example: This paper analyses by example how and why publishers have invested in new technologies, and provides a checklist for decision-making for those still on the sidelines.

» cite + as an example = citar como ejemplo, poner como ejemplo, dar como ejemplo.

Example: While Jewett found it desirable to rule that the entry should be under the latest name used by the author and cited conspicuously the entry under VOLTAIRE as an example.

» classical example = ejemplo clásico, ejemplo típico.

Example: This is a classic example of hastily drafted and ill-conceived legislation.

» draw + an example = poner un ejemplo.

Example: These examples are taken from databases that can be accessed through the online hosts, though further examples could be drawn from those available on CD-ROM.

» example sentence = oración de ejemplo, frase de ejemplo.

Example: There are over 2000 lessons with many example sentences that will help you learn how to use each word easily and correctly.

» follow + Posesivo + example = seguir el ejemplo de Alguien.

Example: Thanks to those who followed his example, the talk about the Sophists can be heard in the hallways, classrooms, and convention halls of philologists, historians, philosophers, and literary critics.

» for example = por ejemplo, verbigracia, verbi gratia.

Example: We may also have the individual's personal files containing, for example, notes and email messages.

» give + an example = dar un ejemplo.

Example: This paper gives examples of the computer program's main menu structure, the customer addresses file, the types of job completed, pricing structures and cumulative statistics.

» highlight + examples = mostrar ejemplos.

Example: The author highlight examples where the idea of directionality in electron transfer has been put into practice.

» illustrate + by examples = ilustrar con ejemplos.

Example: We shall, therefore, attempt to illustrate by examples the subject that is currently taking shape under the umbrella term of 'information technology'.

» imaginary example = supuesto. [Situación ficticia que se utiliza como ejemplo para analizar y estudiar cierto tipo de condiciones bibliotecarias]

Example: An imaginary example for a distributed fact retrieval process, based on current tools and systems, is analysed in order to clarify the requirements of such an intermediary system.

» just an/one example = botón de muestra.

Example: This is just one example of how this type of seeker approaches obtaining information from which to make important decisions.

» lead by + example = dar ejemplo, liderar con el ejemplo.

Example: It's time to start leading by example and not going around like a lunatic all the time, loosing my cool, raving, saying things in the heat of the moment I don't mean.

» living example = ejemplo viviente.

Example: You must be a living example of what you expect your child to honor and emulate.

» perfect example = ejemplo perfecto, arquetipo, dechado.

Example: His story is also a perfect example of the unconditional love a mother has for a child.

» proof by example = demostración por el ejemplo, demostración mediante el ejemplo.

Example: Each feature is taught in a proof-by-example manner, not only discussing what it is, but also how it works, and the common pitfalls associated with it.

» set + a bad example = dar (un) mal ejemplo, sentar (un) mal ejemplo.

Example: Her racy photo is setting a bad example for younger women because she's conveying the message that women should use their body to get attention.

» set + a good example = dar (un) buen ejemplo, sentar (un) buen ejemplo.

Example: The best way for children to set a good example is to treat others in the same way that they want to be treated themselves.

» set + an example = dar ejemplo, sentar ejemplo.

Example: The example set by Soviet libraries could be followed in Bulgaria.

» shining example = ejemplo modélico, ejemplo magnífico, ejemplo excelente.

Example: By American standards, this may not stack up to much, but in France these efforts to educate citizens stand out as a shining example.

» take + an example = poner un ejemplo.

Example: To take an example of needling the pack, suppose it is necessary to identify all of the documents indexed under the term 'Secondary schools'.

» take, for example, ... = pongamos, por ejemplo, ....

Example: Take, for example, this jocular tale recorded in northern England, a tale found in variation in the U.S.A = Pongamos, por ejemplo, este cuento jocoso recogido en el norte de Inglaterra, un cuento que también se encuentra en USA con diferentes variaciones.

» to take a + Adjetivo + example = por poner un ejemplo + Adjetivo.

Example: To take a concrete example, if we are studying 'Bradford's law of scattering', we would expect to find Bradford's book Documentation cited.

» typical example = ejemplo típico.

Example: The author examines three typical examples to show the problems likely to arise.

Example synonyms

case in spanish: caso, pronunciation: keɪs part of speech: noun model in spanish: modelo, pronunciation: mɑdəl part of speech: noun exercise in spanish: ejercicio, pronunciation: eksɜrsaɪz part of speech: noun, verb instance in spanish: ejemplo, pronunciation: ɪnstəns part of speech: noun representative in spanish: representante, pronunciation: reprəzentətɪv part of speech: noun, adjective exemplar in spanish: ejemplar, pronunciation: ɪgzemplɑr part of speech: noun lesson in spanish: lección, pronunciation: lesən part of speech: noun illustration in spanish: ilustración, pronunciation: ɪləstreɪʃən part of speech: noun object lesson in spanish: ejemplo práctico, pronunciation: ɑbdʒektlesən part of speech: noun good example in spanish: buen ejemplo, pronunciation: gʊdɪgzæmpəl part of speech: noun deterrent example in spanish: ejemplo disuasorio, pronunciation: dɪtɜrrəntɪgzæmpəl part of speech: noun
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