Examination in spanish


pronunciation: eksɑmen part of speech: noun
In gestures

examination = examen, inspección. 

Example: The reputation of the information and its authority will be more exposed to examination.


» ace + an exam(ination) = aprobar un examen con una notaza.

Example: Here are 10 quick tips that will help you stay up all night and ensure that you actually ace the exam the next day.

» clinical examination = examen clínico.

Example: All radiographs should be made only after a clinical examination and history have been completed.

» close examination = examen minucioso, examen detallado, análisis municioso, análisis detallado.

Example: Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.

» closer examination = examen más minucioso, análisis más minucioso.

Example: Specific aspects of this study needs closer examination.

» critical examination = examen crítico.

Example: The new system opens up limitless possibilities to the library and may stimulate further critical examination of other methods of information handling.

» cross examination = interrogatorio, contrainterrogatorio, análisis minucioso.

Example: Attorneys appearing in these hearings often have only 1 or 2 days to prepare a cross examination.

» dental examination = examen dental.

Example: Periodontitis is a type of gum disease which requires a thorough dental examination.

» entrance exam(ination) = examen de ingreso.

Example: Passing the entrance examination is a prerequisite for acceptance into the programme.

» examination fee(s) = gastos de examen, tasas de examen.

Example: Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.

» exam(ination) revision = preparación de exámenes.

Example: Exam revision is a painful process, there's no denying it.

» expose + Nombre + to examination = someter a examen.

Example: The reputation of the information and its authority will be more exposed to examination.

» fail + an exam(ination) = suspender un examen.

Example: Not only did he fail the exam, but he managed to look like a douchebag too.

» grade + exam(ination)s = corregir exámenes, calificar exámenes.

Example: It turns out that she was the only faculty member using graduate assistants to grade exams.

» Graduate Record Examination (GRE) = examen de acceso a la licenciatura. [Examen que todo diplomado debe hacer como requisito previo para ser aceptado en cualquier licenciatura en los Estados Unidos]

Example: Undergraduate grade point average, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, ethnicity, gender and library experience were variables which tended to predict GSLIS grade point average and completion of the programme.

» invigilate + an exam(ination) = vigilar un examen.

Example: The government has been challenged to explain who will invigilate, supervise and mark the national exams given that teachers are still on strike, demanding a pay hike.

» mark + exam(ination)s = corregir exámenes, calificar exámenes.

Example: Teachers might mark exams themselves, rather than simply sending tests to the examining board.

» medical board exam(ination) = mir.

Example: Each year there are thousands of people who take the medical board exam, yet not all of them pass their first attempt.

» medical examination = examen médico.

Example: A woman suspected to have lost her virginity is made to undergo a series of medical examinations to bring clarity to her situation.

» on closer examination = al examinar Algo de cerca, al analizar Algo más detenidamente, al estudiar Algo más detenidamente.

Example: The 1st impression of cosiness is dispelled on closer examination, which reveals gross overcrowding in staff working areas.

» pass + an exam(ination) = aprobar un examen, superar un examen.

Example: If you do not pass an exam the first time, you may retake it at any time.

» physical examination = exploración física.

Example: A physical examination revealed his spleen was twice the size it should be, glandular fever was immediately suspected and a blood test confirmed the diagnosis.

» post mortem examination = autopsia.

Example: Post mortem examination revealed accumulation of thick mucus in the oral cavity and trachea.

» practical examination = examen práctico.

Example: Learner drivers must pass a theory test before they take their practical examination, but driving instructors say it does not guarantee that learners have mastered the Highway Code.

» proctor + an exam(ination) = vigilar un examen.

Example: The use of electronic devices while proctoring an exam is not allowed.

» re-examination [reexamination] = reexamen, segundo análisis. 

Example: New theories of management and different demands on university libraries encourage a re-examination of organisational design and staffing practices.

» self-examination = autoexamen, autoexploración, instrospección, examen de conciencia.

Example: It is most appropriate on Ash Wednesday, when we begin a period of sober reflection, self-examination, and spiritual redirection.

» sit + an exam(ination) = hacer un examen.

Example: Your application should be submitted by this date if you wish to sit exams in December.

» stand up to + examination = superar un análisis minucioso.

Example: This is a plausible point of view, but it will not stand up to close examination.

» supervise + an exam(ination) = supervisar un examen.

Example: The government has been challenged to explain who will invigilate, supervise and mark the national exams given that teachers are still on strike, demanding a pay hike.

» take + an exam(ination) = hacer un examen.

Example: While you're taking the exam, remember that it's not simply what you say or how much you say, but how you say it that's important.

» written examination = examen escrito.

Example: Promotions are arrived at by seniority, written examinations, and oral interviews.

Examination synonyms

test in spanish: prueba, pronunciation: test part of speech: noun scrutiny in spanish: escrutinio, pronunciation: skrutəni part of speech: noun exam in spanish: examen, pronunciation: ɪgzæm part of speech: noun testing in spanish: pruebas, pronunciation: testɪŋ part of speech: noun inspection in spanish: inspección, pronunciation: ɪnspekʃən part of speech: noun interrogation in spanish: interrogatorio, pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun examen in spanish: examen, pronunciation: ɪgzɑmən part of speech: noun
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