Exam in spanish


pronunciation: eksɑmen part of speech: noun
In gestures

exam = examen. [Abreviatura de examination]

Example: Some authors, of course, object to their work being subjected to compulsory dissection for exams in the traditional deadly manner and like Bernard Shaw, they swear to haunt anyone who so mistreats them (Shaw's ghost must be busy these days).


» absent from exam = no presentado a examen.

Example: Students absent from exams will automatically get a fail grade.

» ace + an exam(ination) = aprobar un examen con una notaza.

Example: Here are 10 quick tips that will help you stay up all night and ensure that you actually ace the exam the next day.

» driving exam = examen de conducir.

Example: I passed my driving exam and now I can legally drive anywhere in Europe!.

» entrance exam(ination) = examen de ingreso.

Example: Passing the entrance examination is a prerequisite for acceptance into the programme.

» exam fee(s) = gastos de examen, tasas de examen.

Example: If you have not paid your exam fees on time, you will be charged an extra fee per subject.

» exam(ination) revision = preparación de exámenes.

Example: Exam revision is a painful process, there's no denying it.

» exam paper = examen.

Example: Not all lecturers will make past exam papers available to students.

» exam(s) period = período de exámenes, el.

Example: The exam period takes place at the end of each semester -- in the winter semester, the exam period is held in January, and in the spring semester it is in June.

» exam(s) week = semana de exámenes, la.

Example: Although they'd see each other around from time to time, they never really spoke until they bumped into one another during exam week on campus.

» fail + an exam(ination) = suspender un examen.

Example: Not only did he fail the exam, but he managed to look like a douchebag too.

» final exam = examen final.

Example: Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference in the mean scores achieved on either the midterm exam or the final exam.

» grade + exam(ination)s = corregir exámenes, calificar exámenes.

Example: It turns out that she was the only faculty member using graduate assistants to grade exams.

» invigilate + an exam(ination) = vigilar un examen.

Example: The government has been challenged to explain who will invigilate, supervise and mark the national exams given that teachers are still on strike, demanding a pay hike.

» mark + exam(ination)s = corregir exámenes, calificar exámenes.

Example: Teachers might mark exams themselves, rather than simply sending tests to the examining board.

» medical board exam(ination) = mir.

Example: Each year there are thousands of people who take the medical board exam, yet not all of them pass their first attempt.

» midterm exam = examen parcial.

Example: Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference in the mean scores achieved on either the midterm exam or the final exam.

» multiple choice exam = examen tipo test.

Example: Since multiple choice exams are common in courses which cover a lot of factual information, the most important planning strategy is to stay on top of your coursework.

» pass + an exam(ination) = aprobar un examen, superar un examen.

Example: If you do not pass an exam the first time, you may retake it at any time.

» pelvic exam = exploración pélvica.

Example: Your doctor also may do a pelvic exam to find out if your reproductive organs are tender.

» proctor + an exam(ination) = vigilar un examen.

Example: The use of electronic devices while proctoring an exam is not allowed.

» public exam = examen estatal.

Example: The onset of examinations, particularly important 'public' exams which will determine the examinees' future, has a disturbing effect.

» retake + an exam = volver a hacer un examen.

Example: If you do not pass an exam the first time, you may retake it at any time.

» sail through + exam = aprobar sin dificultad, aprobar con los ojos cerrados.

Example: The next morning, she sailed through the exam confidently and scored an A.

» self-exam = autoexamen, autoexploración.

Example: The doctor also will explain how to do testicular self-exams.

» sit + an exam(ination) = hacer un examen.

Example: Your application should be submitted by this date if you wish to sit exams in December.

» supervise + an exam(ination) = supervisar un examen.

Example: The government has been challenged to explain who will invigilate, supervise and mark the national exams given that teachers are still on strike, demanding a pay hike.

» take + an exam(ination) = hacer un examen.

Example: While you're taking the exam, remember that it's not simply what you say or how much you say, but how you say it that's important.

» take + the driving exam = hacer el examen de conducir, examinarse de conducir.

Example: If you are a new resident to Illinois and have an existing, valid out of state driver's license, you will not need to take the driving exam in Illinois.

fail + an exam(ination) = suspender un examen. 

Example: Not only did he fail the exam, but he managed to look like a douchebag too.

Exam synonyms

test in spanish: prueba, pronunciation: test part of speech: noun examination in spanish: examen, pronunciation: ɪgzæməneɪʃən part of speech: noun
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