Exacerbate in spanish


pronunciation: eksɑθeɹ̩bɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

exacerbate = exacerbar, agravar, empeorar. 

Example: They exist in manual systems, and as we have already pointed out, they are only exacerbated by automated systems.


» difficulties + exacerbate = dificultades + agravarse.

Example: The report concluded that the problems of rural populations 'do not differ greatly from those of the urban population though the difficulties in obtaining help and relief can be exacerbated by isolation'.

» exacerbate + a situation = agravar una situación, empeorar una situación.

Example: The situation has been exacerbated by falling book sales.

» exacerbate + conflict = agravar un conflicto, empeorar un conflicto.

Example: Australia risks blundering into a human rights mess that will exacerbate the conflict.

» exacerbate + crisis = agravar una crisis.

Example: The lack of a theoretical underpinning to provide a unified vision of librarianship, it is suggested, exacerbates this crisis.

» problem + exacerbate = problema + agravar.

Example: Moreover, the problem of physical access is exacerbated by the fact that neither the collections made available to European Documentation Centres (see below), nor those available on public subscription, are complete.

» situation + exacerbate = situación + agravarse, situación + empeorarse.

Example: The situation is further exacerbated by the ease with which such information may be copied or manipulated = La situación se agrava aún más por la facilidad con la que se puede copiar o manipular la información.

Exacerbate synonyms

aggravate in spanish: agravar, pronunciation: ægrəveɪt part of speech: verb exasperate in spanish: exasperar, pronunciation: ɪgzæspɜreɪt part of speech: verb worsen in spanish: empeorar, pronunciation: wɜrsən part of speech: verb

Exacerbate antonyms

better pronunciation: betɜr part of speech: adjective, adverb ameliorate pronunciation: əmiljɜreɪt part of speech: verb amend pronunciation: əmend part of speech: verb improve pronunciation: ɪmpruv part of speech: verb meliorate pronunciation: meljɜreɪt part of speech: verb
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