Ex in spanish


pronunciation: eks part of speech: noun
In gestures

ex- = ex, antiguo + marido/esposa/novio/novia. 

Example: I've not tarred him with the same brush as my ex but I can't help but be cautious!.


» ex-boyfriend = ex-novio, antiguo novio.

Example: The only trouble is she's still totally hung up on her ex-boyfriend, even after 6 months!.

» ex-centric [excentric] = no tomándose a Uno como el centro de referencia.

Example: This book offers an 'ex-centric' view of Papua cultures.

» ex-convict [exconvict] = ex-convicto.

Example: We got a book of memoirs by an ex-convict who works for the Western Behavioral Institute in La Jolla, California, which is very closely associated with publication of the work.

» ex-employee = ex-empleado, antiguo empleado. 

Example: You have to have a different mindset when you think about the possibility of an ex-employee or contractor sitting out in the car park late one night, with his laptop siphoning the company's data.

» ex-girlfriend = ex-novia, antigua novia.

Example: Benny submitted these pics of his nude ex-girlfriend, posing with her pearls laid across her puss.

» ex-husband = ex-marido, ex-esposo, antiguo marido, antiguo esposo.

Example: Like her ex-husband, Ms. Aniston's cheeks are filled with pockmarks.

» ex-journalist = ex-periodista, antiguo periodista.

Example: 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un experiodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .

» ex-junkie = ex-drogadicto, ex-adicto, antiguo drogadicto, antiguo adicto.

Example: She thought she'd struck pay dirt when a wealthy couple hired her to find their missing daughter, who they suspected has started using heroin -- who better to find a junkie than an ex-junkie?.

» ex-libris plate = ex-libris. [Sello que se coloca normalmente en las primeras hojas de un libro que contiene la palabra latina "ex-libris" y a continuación los datos personales del propietario del documento]

Example: Many of the books contained letters, ex-libris plates or handwritten dedications; those bound with the book have been xeroxed, others left loose have been removed, replaced by xerox copies and put in the library's autograph collection.

» ex officio = ex oficio, en virtud del cargo que ocupa, nato, miembro nato, en virtud de su cargo.

Example: While deputy administrators are frequently involved ex officio as chairpersons of these groups, the chief librarian usually will reserve the final decision-making authority on major issues to him or herself.

» ex-soldier = ex-soldado, antiguo soldado.

Example: The landlord is as mad as a barrel load of monkeys, but a fine man and ex-soldier.

» ex-wife = ex-esposa, ex-mujer, antigua esposa, antigua mujer.

Example: 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .

Ex synonyms

ex-husband in spanish: ex marido, pronunciation: ekshʌzbənd part of speech: noun exwife in spanish: ex esposa, pronunciation: ekswaɪf part of speech: noun
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