Evoke in spanish


pronunciation: eboʊkɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

evoke1 = evocar, recordar. 

Example: If my comments yesterday managed to evoke the landscape of the State of Ohio, I offer no apologies.

evoke2 = provocar, causar. 

Example: It is known that in ancient Rome the complexity of the administrative job evoked considerable development of management techniques.


» evoke + a complaint = dar lugar a queja.

Example: So far, the introduction of technology and online cataloging is evoking a lot of complaints from catalogers.

» evoke + an issue = suscitar una cuestión.

Example: This project evoked several issues, including preservation, software, bibliographic records, staffing, and patron access.

» evoke + a response = suscitar una respuesta.

Example: The sender hope to evoke a response in the receiver which will be similar to his own.

» evoke + concern = causar preocupación.

Example: Results evoked some concern about the selective indexing policy of MEDLINE in serving the interests of those working in forensic medicine.

» evoke + scorn = provocar menosprecio.

Example: Thus Panizzi, with a eye on the printed book catalog demanding stable entries, was led to rule that the works of an author should be entered under his earliest name which evoked the scorn of his critics.

Evoke synonyms

fire in spanish: fuego, pronunciation: faɪɜr part of speech: noun elicit in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: ɪlɪsɪt part of speech: verb raise in spanish: aumento, pronunciation: reɪz part of speech: verb extract in spanish: extraer, pronunciation: ekstrækt part of speech: verb suggest in spanish: sugerir, pronunciation: səgdʒest part of speech: verb kindle in spanish: encender, pronunciation: kɪndəl part of speech: verb provoke in spanish: provocar, pronunciation: prəvoʊk part of speech: verb arouse in spanish: despertar, pronunciation: ɜraʊz part of speech: verb educe in spanish: educir, pronunciation: ɪdus part of speech: verb enkindle in spanish: hacer fuego, pronunciation: enkɪndəl part of speech: verb draw out in spanish: sacar, pronunciation: drɔaʊt part of speech: verb paint a picture in spanish: pintar un cuadro, pronunciation: peɪntəpɪktʃɜr part of speech: verb call forth in spanish: llamar adelante, pronunciation: kɔlfɔrθ part of speech: verb kick up in spanish: armar, pronunciation: kɪkʌp part of speech: noun, verb
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