Evidence in spanish


pronunciation: ebidenθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

evidence1 = evidencia, pruebas. 

Example: Among the documents that are worthy of consideration for abstracting are final reports, or other reports well supported by sound methodology and convincing evidence.


» accumulate + evidence = recoger pruebas.

Example: Evidence is accumulating to show that videotaping the reference desk operation helps reference librarians see how -- as well as how not -- to do it = Se han recogido pruebas para demostrar que grabar en vídeo la operación del mostrador de referencia ayuda a los bibliotecarios a ver cómo (y cómo no) hacerlo.

» accumulating evidence = cada vez más pruebas.

Example: There is accumulating evidence of reductions in red blood cell membrane essential fatty acids in patients with schizophrenia.

» adduce as + evidence = aducir como evidencia.

Example: If the recent closures of North American SLIS may be adduced as evidence, this deficiency is likely to have serious consequences for UK SLIS also.

» anecdotal evidence = existir constancia de.

Example: Anecdotal evidence indicates that pollen shed from anthers remains viable longer at low temperature and high relative humidity.

» be in evidence = estar presente, ser visible.

Example: Despite its low international profile, Danish music is always in evidence in music catalogues and at music festivals.

» circumstantial evidence = pruebas circunstanciales, pruebas indirectas.

Example: The article is entitled 'Can you measure circumstantial evidence? The background of probative formalisms for law'.

» collect + evidence = recoger evidencia, recoger pruebas.

Example: It is felt, however, when the evidence is collected, in most cases, out-of-school adults will be better served with a formal bibliographic instruction programme.

» conclusive evidence = prueba concluyente.

Example: Little reliable research has been conducted nor conclusive evidence found to prove that librarians are falling prey to technostress.

» convincing evidence = evidencia convincente, pruebas convincentes.

Example: There is no convincing evidence that a higher being exists.

» counter-evidence = argumentos en contra.

Example: In an attempt to provide counter-evidence to the accusation that the literature of gays is not being represented in library collections a study was conducted.

» DNA evidence = evidencia del ADN.

Example: She was acquitted after 'glaring errors' were found in the case against her, including a lack of DNA evidence.

» documentary evidence = evidencia documental, prueba documental.

Example: This paper identifies the walled towns of Ireland through surviving structures and documentary evidence.

» empirical evidence = evidencia empírica.

Example: Empirical evidence collected from a variety of disciplines over the years, however, does not support the notion that sex is a predictor of productivity.

» evidence based [evidence-based] = basado en la evidencia, empírico, basado en la evidencia empírica.

Example: The increasing pressure to adopt evidence based practice places large information demands on health professionals and by extension, on the information workers who support them.

» evidence + be + slight = evidencia + ser + escasa, pruebas + ser + escasas.

Example: Evidence is slight that books ever helped spread the epidemics of smallpox, tuberculosis, and scarlet fever that raged in US and European cities at the turn of the century = Existen escasas pruebas de que los libros ayudasen alguna vez a extender las epidemias de viruela, tuberculosis y escarlatina que arrasaron ciudades estadounidenses y europeas a finales de siglo.

» evidence + indicate = evidencia + indicar.

Example: Evidence indicates that the Dead Sea Scrolls are the remains of the library of an apocalyptic sect who cut themselves off from worldly experience to devote their time to homiletic study.

» evidence + mount = pruebas + aumentar, haber cada vez más pruebas.

Example: Evidence and rumors are mounting to support the idea that free music websites are unfeasible = Hay cada vez más rumores y pruebas que apoyan la idea de que los sitios web de música gratis son inviables.

» evidence of the fact that = prueba del hecho de que, demostración del hecho de que.

Example: It will be global learning, thus evidence of the fact that learning has no boundaries.

» evidence + points towards = evidencia + apuntar a.

Example: The film proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the official story is hogwash and that all the evidence points towards an inside job.

» evidence + show = evidencia + demostrar.

Example: There is evidence to show that the kind of type face used affects the ease of reading and the legibility.

» evidence + suggest = evidencia + indicar.

Example: Evidence suggests that many titles in what were designed to be lean 'working' reference collections are rarely if ever consulted.

» evidence to the contrary = pruebas en contra.

Example: It is believed to be confirmed by empirical evidence, with other empirical evidence to the contrary being neglected.

» find + evidence = encontrar pruebas, encontrar evidencias.

Example: No clear evidence was found to indicate that Roman Iberia had public libraries similar to those established elsewhere in the empire.

» forensic evidence = pruebas forenses.

Example: It deals with the relationship between photography and forensic evidence by looking at the case of the Shroud of Turin.

» furnish with + evidence = suministrar evidencia, dar evidencia.

Example: The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.

» gather + evidence = recoger pruebas.

Example: A questionnaire was circulated to the EURIM conference attenders to gather evidence on the application of research to practical problems = Se distribuyó un cuestionario a los asistentes al congreso EURIM para recoger pruebas sobre la aplicación de la investigación a los problemas prácticos.

» give + evidence = presentar pruebas, mostrar.

Example: No conclusive evidence is given in support of digitising over other storage media.

» give + evidence = prestar declaración.

Example: MEPs, Commissioners, officials from the Council and the Commission, judges, advocates-general and others from the Court of Justice have all been invited to give evidence.

» hard evidence = pruebas contundentes.

Example: The verdict in the Oxford case was the result of limitations in the law of high treason combined with the absence of hard evidence that Oxford actually intended to assassinate the Queen.

» have + evidence = poseer pruebas, poseer evidencias.

Example: If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.

» hearsay evidence = testimonio de oídas.

Example: As a general rule, hearsay evidence of a fact is not admissible in court.

» incriminating evidence = pruebas incriminatorias, evidencia incriminatoria.

Example: He was deliberately purging incriminating evidence on his computer before the authorities could gain access to it.

» in evidence = como pruebas.

Example: This article discusses the admissibility of computer records and statements in evidence in criminal and civil proceedings.

» in evidence in = usado en, utilizado en, empleado en, evidente en, observable en, palpable en, aparece frecuentemente en.

Example: The cooperative approach in evidence in the Moorlands information scheme is one signpost for the future.

» lack of evidence = falta de evidencia, falta de pruebas.

Example: You may only say that, given the presence of evidence of innocence, a lack of evidence of guilt would provide further evidence of innocence.

» lack of evidence to the contrary = falta de pruebas.

Example: Jones's conviction that Cinque could not have been a slave trader is based primarily on the lack of evidence to the contrary and on the presumption that Cinque is innocent until proven guilty.

» lay + evidence before = presentar las pruebas ante.

Example: That this is a statement of fact may count for nothing: in effect, the librarian may be obliged lay evidence before the enquirer, accompanied by a convincing explanation.

» mounting evidence = pruebas cada vez más concluyentes.

Example: There is mounting evidence that omega-3 fatty acids from fish help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

» on the evidence of = según el testimonio de.

Example: Indeed, on the evidence of many of our respondents, a substantial proportion of SLIS candidates deliberately avoid such contexts for the practice of their information skills.

» oral evidence = evidencia oral.

Example: The associations have submitted both oral and written evidence to the European Communities on the transfrontier shipment of hazardous wastes.

» physical evidence = prueba física, prueba material.

Example: Forecasting the weather does not come under the heading of astrology or claiming to have knowledge of the unseen, rather it is based on physical evidence and experience.

» piece of evidence = evidencia, prueba.

Example: The cholesterol campaign is based not on scientific evidence that cholesterol reduction is beneficial, but on educated guesses, on pieces of evidence that suggest it might be.

» research evidence = investigaciones.

Example: Research evidence demonstrates that grade retention does not improve achievement and may increase the chances of a student dropping out of school instead of persisting to graduation.

» rig + evidence = manipular las pruebas, amañar las pruebas, manipular la evidencia.

Example: Scientists already know how to rig the data and the evidence, now they are learning how to rig the polls.

» scientific evidence = prueba científica, evidencia científica.

Example: The cholesterol campaign is based not on scientific evidence that cholesterol reduction is beneficial, but on educated guesses, on pieces of evidence that suggest it might be.

» strengthen + evidence = ser una prueba más de.

Example: His book strengthens evidence that what the Wright brothers flew in 1903 was a glider, not an aeroplane.

» tangible evidence = evidencia tangible, prueba, demostración.

Example: The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.

» there + be + evidence that = existir pruebas de que, existir indicios de que.

Example: MacKeller mentions the companionship system in connection with hurried work, but there is evidence that it was also used for ordinary work by the middle of the century.

» written evidence = evidencia escrita.

Example: The associations have submitted both oral and written evidence to the European Communities on the transfrontier shipment of hazardous wastes.

evidence2 = evidenciar, mostrar, demostrar, probar. 

Example: Although in this case there is no SLIS presence in the teaching, it is noteworthy that the same concern as that evidenced in the City University programme is present.

Evidence synonyms

show in spanish: espectáculo, pronunciation: ʃoʊ part of speech: verb, noun manifest in spanish: manifiesto, pronunciation: mænəfest part of speech: adjective, verb tell in spanish: contar, pronunciation: tel part of speech: verb ascertain in spanish: cerciorarse, pronunciation: æsɜrteɪn part of speech: verb prove in spanish: probar, pronunciation: pruv part of speech: verb attest in spanish: dar fe, pronunciation: ətest part of speech: verb demonstrate in spanish: demostrar, pronunciation: demənstreɪt part of speech: verb testify in spanish: testificar, pronunciation: testəfaɪ part of speech: verb grounds in spanish: jardines, pronunciation: graʊndz part of speech: noun certify in spanish: certificar, pronunciation: sɜrtəfaɪ part of speech: verb bear witness in spanish: atestiguar, pronunciation: berwɪtnəs part of speech: verb
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