Everything in spanish


pronunciation: toʊdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

everything = todo. 

Example: The CLEAR key erases everything on the screen.


» about this and that and everything else = de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá; de todo un poco.

Example: They talked for a good half hour about this and that and everything else while their boys played.

» above everything else = sobre todo.

Example: The province of bibliography is, above everything else, to relate all this to the text which it was the author's original intention to have written.

» after (all/everything) is said and done = al fin y al cabo, al final de cuentas, a fin de cuentas, a la postre, no obstante.

Example: And after all is said and done, hiring decisions, for the most part, are based on whether or not the candidate is likeable.

» almost everything = casi todo.

Example: Should we ignore the major trade publishers for almost everything except genre fiction, blockbusters, popular self-help, celebrity biographies and exposés?.

» anything and everything = absolutamente todo.

Example: For instance, if children are doing a project work on dogs, they will hunt out anything and everything that so much as mentions them and the bits thus mined are assiduously transcribed into project folders.

» as with everything else = al igual que con todo lo demás, como con todo lo demás.

Example: As with everything else that the president says his statement was once again taken out of contex.

» as with everything in life = al igual que con todo en la vida, como con todo en la vida.

Example: When we feel broken-hearted it is all too easy to wallow in the emptiness and pain and forget that as with everything in life this too shall pass.

» be above everything = estar por encima de todo.

Example: It was above all her air of not being touched by anything, her manner of seeming as it were above everything, that tipped the scales in favour of her rival.

» be everything but = ser de todo menos.

Example: She was everything but ugly -- she had long red hair with the brightest emerald eyes you ever saw with golden-tan skin.

» be on top of everything = estar pendiente de todo, estar al tanto de todo, estar al tanto de las cosas, estar al día, no perder el control, mantener todo controlado, mantenerse al tanto de todo.

Example: Jeff is a pleasure to work with -- he is on top of everything and he strives to make sure that his customers are always more than satisfied.

» despite everything = a pesar de todo.

Example: The novel describes people waging an unequal struggle against circumstances and remaining hopeful despite everything.

» do + everything in + Posesivo + power to = hacer todo lo que + estar + en + Posesivo + poder para/por, hacer todo lo que + estar + en + Posesivo + manos para/por.

Example: Ever since her mother had left, Mindy's life had been chaotic and Spenser was doing everything in his power to put it back to rights.

» do + everything possible (to) = hacer todo lo posible (por).

Example: For over a week now, he had done everything possible to make her feel welcome and at home.

» do + everything to = hacer todo lo posible para.

Example: It's a good attitude to push yourself forward and do everything just to reach your goal.

» everything and the kitchen sink = absolutamente todo, todo el tinglado, todo el cotarro.

Example: You have to remember that everything and the kitchen sink has been thrown at stimulating this economy and the jobs picture still remains weak.

» everything + be + hunky-dory = todo + marchar + bien, todo + ir + a las mil maravillas, todo + ir + a pedir de boca, todo + ir + de perlas, todo + ir + bien.

Example: 'And I don't like the option of walking around smiling as if everything was just hunky-dory,' Meek put in = "Y no me gusta la opción de andar por ahí sonriendo como si todo marchase bien".

» everything + be + peachy(-keen) = todo + marchar + bien, todo + ir + a las mil maravillas, todo + ir + a pedir de boca, todo + ir + de perlas, todo + ir + bien.

Example: You can vote for the person who thinks everything is just 'peachy-keen', or you can vote for change.

» everything but the kitchen sink = casi todo.

Example: In their greed to cram everything but the kitchen sink into the courses, what they end up producing is graduates who are jacks of all trades but masters of none.

» everything comes to those who wait = tiempo al tiempo, todo le llega a aquel que espera, la paciencia es una virtud, en la paciencia esta la virtud.

Example: She will undoubtedly prove that everything comes to those who wait and her time is definitely here.

» everything comes with a cost (in life) = todo tiene un costo (en la vida), todo tiene un precio (en la vida).

Example: There's the catch: everything comes with a cost.

» everything comes with a price (tag/in life) = todo tiene un costo (en la vida), todo tiene un precio (en la vida).

Example: Everything comes with a price, including cheap airfares.

» everything except (for) = todo menos, todo excepto.

Example: There is a remedy for everything except death.

» everything + go + according to plan = todo + salir + de acuerdo con lo previsto, todo + ir + de acuerdo con lo previsto, todo + ir + según lo previsto, todo + salir + según lo previsto.

Example: She was always available to address any of our concerns and was always willing to go the extra mile to make sure everything went according to plan.

» everything + go + fine = todo + ir + bien, todo + salir + bien.

Example: Everything went fine, I didn't lose my luggage and even the weather was pretty nice.

» everything + go + great = todo + ir + fantástico, todo + salir + fantástico.

Example: Everything went great, except that no one showed up.

» everything + go + out (of) the window = todo + irse + al carajo, todo + irse + a pique, todo + irse + a la porra, todo + irse + al traste.

Example: She knew it was a ruse, and it didn't make her feel great; she had promised to call, then everything went out the window when she got her marching orders to go up north again.

» everything + go + snafu = todo + irse + al carajo, todo + irse + a pique, todo + irse + a la porra, todo + irse + al traste, todo + salir + fatal.

Example: Sometimes you get a period when everything goes snafu.

» everything happens for a reason (and a purpose) = las cosas no pasan así como así, las cosas no pasan (así) porque sí, todo ocurre por una razón, todo ocurre por algo.

Example: 'Everything happens for a reason,' several of them told me last fall, when I was suffering through a string of losses = "Las cosas no pasan así porque sí," algunos de ellos me dijeron el otoño pasado, cuando atravesaba por una serie de pérdidas.

» everything happens for the best = las cosas pasan para bien.

Example: 'Everything happens for the best,' my mother said whenever I faced disappointment = "Las cosas pasan para bien," decía mi madre siempre que me sentía decepcionado.

» everything happens in its own time = cada cosa a su tiempo, no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal.

Example: We may want things to happen at a particular time, but I keep learning over and over again that everything happens in its own time.

» everything has a price = todo tiene precio.

Example: We live in a time when everything has a price but nothing has value!.

» everything has its appointed time = cada cosa a su tiempo, no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal.

Example: Just like a flower in season, everything has its appointed time and there is always a beginning and an end.

» everything has its price = todo tiene su precio.

Example: Sociological studies, psychological studies, and literature have shown again and again everything has its price.

» everything in (its) due time = cada cosa a su tiempo, no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal.

Example: He is already sounding like a broken record in saying that he will explain everything in due time.

» everything in (its own) good time = cada cosa a su tiempo, no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal.

Example: Indeed, some might well wonder why it has been so late in the making, but I am reminded of the popular saying 'nothing happens before its time' and 'everything in its own good time'.

» everything in moderation = todo con moderación, la virtud está en el término medio.

Example: Can we really say everything in moderation is an acceptable motto when it comes to our health?.

» everything or nothing = todo o nada.

Example: This relationship, this going on with God, was everything or nothing for it was sealed in a blood covenant.

» get away from + everything = huir de todo, escaparse de todo.

Example: I go for a drive when I'm really pissed to get away from everything.

» get + everything right = conseguir que todo salga bien, acertarlo todo.

Example: Training for full marathons involves a lot of work, and you need to get everything right if you want to become good at it.

» get + everything wrong = no dar pie con bola.

Example: And if you're looking at the world through an intellectual prism, you'll also get everything wrong.

» give + Posesivo + everything = entregarse, dar + Posesivo + vida, entregar + Posesivo, vida, dar el todo por el todo, dejarse el pellejo.

Example: He'll be able to save face by showing that he gave his everything, but he won't have to suffer the consequences of actually implementing that horrible legislation.

» in spite of everything = a pesar de todo.

Example: The film is less about idealism in the face of adversity than dumb resilience in spite of everything.

» just about everything = casi todo, casi de todo.

Example: I agree with just about everything that's been said so far.

» know + everything = saberlo todo, conocerlo todo.

Example: As an entrepreneur, manager, or businessperson who is hoping to gain credibility, the worst thing you can do is to think you know everything.

» leave + everything behind = dejarlo todo, dejarlo todo atrás.

Example: I'm planning to leave everything behind me and follow my dreams, but I'm still underage.

» most everything = casi todo.

Example: Most everything that they do is done by force of habit rather than by instinct (as animals do) or by conscious decision or by whim.

» on top of everything (else) = además de todo esto/eso, para colmo, para más inri, para mayor inri, por añadidura.

Example: On top of everything else, these corporations sponsor 'scientific' studies where their product is pitted against a worse convenience product.

» pick + holes in everything = encontrar defectos en todo, buscar defectos en todo, sacar faltas a todo, hacer crítica de todo, criticarlo todo, hallar defectos en todo, poner peros a todo, poner reparos a todo, poner pegas a todo, encontrar pegas con todo.

Example: She appears to be picking holes in everything that I do, and it is hard because I am trying to be a loving sister towards her.

» pick up on + everything = enterarse de todo, darse cuenta de todo.

Example: Lauren is very quick on the uptake and picks up on everything going on around her but knows it doesn't pay to have loose lips.

» take + everything personally = ofenderse, darse por aludido.

Example: Some days I feel very sensitive, taking everything personally and lashing out at everyone, mostly my husband.

» there + be + a time and a place for everything = cada cosa tiene su tiempo y lugar, hay un tiempo y lugar para cada cosa.

Example: While we don't believe in censorship, we do believe there is a time and a place for everything.

» time heals everything = el tiempo cura todas las heridas, el tiempo lo cura todo, el tiempo todo lo cura.

Example: Living in the present simply requires practice -- one thing that can help is to remind yourself that time heals everything.

» to everything there is a season = cada cosa a su tiempo, no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal.

Example: I know that to everything there is a season, but I am a gardener and I start counting the days until spring the day after Christmas.

» turn + everything upside down = poner todo patas arriba, no dejar títere con cabeza, revolucionarlo todo, revolverlo todo, poner la casa al revés, volver la casa al revés, poner todo manga por hombro.

Example: The offenders broke into rooms and systematically turned everything upside-down, throwing papers out of drawers and off shelves.

» when (all/everything) is said and done = después de todo, en resumidas cuentas, al fin y al cabo, al final de cuentas, a fin de cuentas, no obstante.

Example: When all is said and done, however, this great encyclopedia is now back on track after a period of confusion and frustration = No obstante, al final de cuentas esta gran enciclopedia vuelve a ser lo que era después de un periodo de confusión y frustración.
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