Everyone in spanish

Todo el mundo

pronunciation: toʊdoʊelmundoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

everyone = todos. 

Example: He was one of the first lecturers at the early MARC institutes, at a time when automation was that great new trend that everyone wanted to know about, but about which only a few had some knowledge.


» accessible to everyone = al alcance de todos.

Example: To be accessible to everyone a website will have to be available in many different languages.

» almost everyone = casi todos.

Example: Almost everyone is obsessed with leaving a mark upon the world.

» anyone and everyone = todos.

Example: In this context television and radio appear as unproblematically and meaningfully available for anyone and everyone.

» as everyone knows = como es bien sabido, como es bien conocido, como todo el mundo sabe, como todo el mundo conoce.

Example: As everyone knows, the US is backing one side in the Syrian civil war.

» be not as + Adjetivo + as everyone makes it to be = no ser tan + Adjetivo + como se dice, no ser tan + Adjetivo + como dicen.

Example: If you are reading this, your dream is probably to become famous one day, but becoming famous is not as hard as everyone makes it to be.

» each and everyone = todos y cada uno, todo el mundo.

Example: The problem is that it benefits each and everyone, but none in particular.

» everyone and his/their mother = todo bicho viviente, todo quisqui, todo quisque, todo dios.

Example: Everyone and their mother (literally) will be ducking out from work early today to be with their nearest and dearest for the long weekend.

» everyone else = todos los demás, los demás.

Example: In complete fairness to him, he always keeps busy on things that have to be done, and he takes his turn at the reference desk like everyone else.

» everyone except = todos menos, todos excepto.

Example: All in all, Drexler has produced a fascinating book that everyone (except perhaps. serious hypochondriacs) ought to read.

» everyone to their (own) taste = sobre gustos no hay nada escrito.

Example: Like the flea said when he bit the elephant in the butt, 'everyone to his own taste'.

» most everyone = casi todos.

Example: There was plenty of eye candy to look at -- men and women alike -- and most everyone was dressed to impress.

» to everyone's surprise = para sorpresa de todos.

Example: To everyone's surprise he responded that he'would be willing to go to bat for a replacement of some sort'.

» within everyone's reach = al alcance de todos.

Example: The sound that made the acoustic guitar a viable electric instrument is now within everyone's reach.
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