Everyday in spanish

Todos los días

pronunciation: toʊdoʊsloʊsdiɑs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

everyday = diario, de diario, para diario, cotidiano, corriente, común. 

Example: We have too much invested, and the new systems too intimately integrated into the everyday operation of the library, for us to assume any longer that we can temper their influence on emerging standards.


» all day everyday = todo el día todos los días.

Example: I'm only 7 weeks pregnant and I too am feeling sick in the stomach all day everyday.

» be an everyday occurrence = ser el pan nuestro de cada día, ser algo muy corriente, ser cosa de todos los días, ser moneda corriente, ser algo que pasa todos los días, ser un hecho cotidiano, ser un suceso cotidiano.

Example: People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.

» everyday citizen = ciudadano normal, ciudadano de a pie.

Example: Now it appears that everyday citizens' sensibilities have been rankled by the campaign.

» everyday clothes = ropa de diario.

Example: I wish everyday clothes were as comfortable as my PJ's .

» everyday discourse = lenguaje cotidiano.

Example: The article 'Tall Stories: The Metaphorical Nature of Everyday Talk' claims that everyday discourse is in fact richly metaphorical and that, through the operation of metaphor, people fictionalize as they talk.

» everyday event = hecho cotidiano, suceso cotidiano.

Example: Investing in the foreign currency market without acknowledging the importance of everyday events is certainly not a recipe for success.

» everyday functional English = inglés básico.

Example: The author describes a novel approach which uses the power of household brands as a springboard to fast track adults into reading and writing everyday functional English = El autor describe un método novedoso que utiliza el poder de las marcas muy conocidas como trampolín para acelerar el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura del inglés básico en los adultos.

» everyday issues = cuestiones diarias, asuntos diarios.

Example: If your friend is important to you, make time for her and keep her in the loop regarding everyday issues.

» everyday language = lenguaje cotidiano.

Example: In summary, 'work' in everyday language means earning a living out of necessity.

» everyday life = vida cotidiana, la; vida diaria, la.

Example: Education will become a part of everyday life, accessible and affordable for anyone, anywhere, at any time, in a wide variety of disciplines.

» everyday living = vida cotidiana.

Example: John Maclaren in 1969 had drawn attention to the role of libraries in maintaining the quality of everyday living.

» everyday locution = expresión cotidiana, locución cotidiana.

Example: The most natural choice is to give preference to the hypothesis that preserves our everyday and scientific locutions by taking them at face value.

» everyday matters = asuntos cotidianos.

Example: Libraries are steeped in politics which affect not only important, high level decisions but also everyday matters such as the location of a workstation or decaffeinated coffee.

» everyday occurrence = hecho cotidiano, suceso cotidiano.

Example: An everyday occurrence, yet each birth is the culmination of one of nature's most complex, mysterious, and seemingly miraculous processes.

» everyday situation = situación cotidiana.

Example: These everyday situations occur everywhere and include shopping in an open-air market, greeting friends, choosing clothes to wear, singing the national anthem at a football game, and so forth.

» everyday speech = lenguaje cotidiano.

Example: The labels on the left have been chosen to come as close as possible to everyday speech.

» everyday talk = lenguaje cotidiano.

Example: The article 'Tall Stories: The Metaphorical Nature of Everyday Talk' claims that everyday discourse is in fact richly metaphorical and that, through the operation of metaphor, people fictionalize as they talk.

» everyday use = uso diario.

Example: Some are elegantly bound but others will surely not stand up to the wear and tear of everyday use.

» go about + Posesivo + everyday life = dedicarse a + Posesivo + quehacer diario, dedicarse a + Posesivo + quehacer cotidiano, dedicarse a + Posesivo + tareas diarias, dedicarse a + Posesivo + tareas cotidianas.

Example: The last thing we want as we go about our everyday life is that hot sweaty self-conscious feeling.

» in everyday use = en el uso diario, en el uso normal, en el uso corriente, en el uso cotidiano.

Example: In everyday use, defeatism has negative connotation, and is often linked to treason and pessimism.

» in everyday use = de uso diario, de uso cotidiano, de uso corriente.

Example: There are about 3000 nickel-containing alloys in everyday use.

every day = a diario, diariamente, todos los días, cada día. 

Example: The whole business has an air of familiarity because it happens every day.

Everyday synonyms

mundane in spanish: mundano, pronunciation: məndeɪn part of speech: adjective quotidian in spanish: cotidiano, pronunciation: kwoʊtɪdiən part of speech: adjective familiar in spanish: familiar, pronunciation: fəmɪljɜr part of speech: adjective casual in spanish: casual, pronunciation: kæʒəwəl part of speech: adjective routine in spanish: rutina, pronunciation: rutin part of speech: adjective, noun ordinary in spanish: ordinario, pronunciation: ɔrdəneri part of speech: adjective regular in spanish: regular, pronunciation: regjəlɜr part of speech: adjective daily in spanish: diario, pronunciation: deɪli part of speech: adjective, adverb, noun informal in spanish: informal, pronunciation: ɪnfɔrməl part of speech: adjective unremarkable in spanish: nada interesante, pronunciation: ənrɪmɑrkəbəl part of speech: adjective day-to-day in spanish: día a día, pronunciation: deɪtudeɪ part of speech: adjective workaday in spanish: de cada día, pronunciation: wɜrkədeɪ part of speech: adjective day-after-day in spanish: día tras día, pronunciation: deɪæftɜrdeɪ part of speech: adjective
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