Everybody in spanish


pronunciation: toʊdoʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

everybody = todos, todo el mundo. 

Example: Although recognising some such affinities between subjects, it is more difficult to find an overall order of main classes which suits everybody.


» accessible to everybody = al alcance de todos.

Example: Many internet sites are not equally accessible to everybody.

» almost everybody = casi todos.

Example: Almost everybody I've met along the river have had tick bites.

» as everybody knows = como es bien sabido, como es bien conocido, como todo el mundo sabe, como todo el mundo conoce.

Example: As everyone knows, I love grey skinny jeans in all shades.

» everybody and his/their mother = todo bicho viviente, todo quisqui, todo quisque, todo dios.

Example: Everybody and their mother seem to be jumping into the high-margin cosmetics business these days.

» everybody else = todos los demás, los demás.

Example: The problem is most of them totally distrust everybody else.

» everybody except = todos menos, todos excepto.

Example: These rail passes are available to everybody except Australian citizens.

» most everybody = casi todos.

Example: Mystery is something that appeals to most everybody.

» within everybody's reach = al alcance de todos.

Example: Still, they are easy to use, carry a democratic price tag and are, therefore, within everybody's reach.
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