Every in spanish


pronunciation: kɑdɑ part of speech: none
In gestures

every = cada, todo. 

Example: The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.


» any and every = todos y cada uno de.

Example: The card catalogue permits us to make as many entries as we like for any and every document.

» (at) every step (of the way) = en toda ocasión, en todo momento, siempre.

Example: He wants a mate who will challenge him at every step, a female strong of will and body.

» at every turn = en toda ocasión, en todo momento, siempre.

Example: Three of the five councilors, one of whom is the mayor, thwart him at virtually every turn in his efforts on behalf of these institutions.

» be behind + Nombre + every step of the way = apoyar incondicionalmente, estar con + Nombre + incondicionalmente.

Example: She was a little worried about how they might take to her being in charge, but sure enough, they were right behind her every step of the way.

» be worth every penny = valer la pena, merecer la pena.

Example: He is the highest grossing actor of all time, and by god, he's worth every penny.

» each and every = todos y cada uno de.

Example: Jane works hard for each and every client by giving her undivided attention and listening to their needs.

» enjoy + every minute of = disfrutar cada minuto de, disfrutar al máximo, pasárselo en grande, disfrutar como un enano, encantar, disfrutar, gozar como un enano, gozar de lo lindo.

Example: Many had never even been to Stratford before so they enjoyed every minute of that trip!.

» every bit as + Adjetivo + as = tan + Adjetivo + como.

Example: Popular music in a library is every bit as important as classical music.

» every bit as much + Nombre (+ as) = el mismo + Nombre (+ que).

Example: These enquirers have a clearer idea of what they want but they have every bit as much difficulty in framing their enquiry.

» every cloud has a silver lining = no hay mal que por bien no venga.

Example: The conference was worthwhile, and that if the computer can force logical thought into librarians' minds and force out vagueness, then this will provide a silver lining for the blackest clouds.

» everyday = diario, de diario, para diario, cotidiano, corriente, común.

Example: We have too much invested, and the new systems too intimately integrated into the everyday operation of the library, for us to assume any longer that we can temper their influence on emerging standards.

» every day = a diario, diariamente, todos los días, cada día.

Example: The whole business has an air of familiarity because it happens every day.

» every day of the week = todos los días de la semana.

Example: We have hundreds of small groups meeting all over the city every day of the week.

» every effort + be + made to = hacer todo lo posible para.

Example: Every effort is made to ensure continuity of index terms from one year to another = Se hace todo lo posible para asegurar la continuidad de los descriptores de un año para otro.

» every few minutes = cada tantos minutos, cada dos por tres.

Example: Teachers across Britain are subjected to foul language, personal abuse, sexual insults and threats of violence by pupils every few minutes.

» every few + Nombre = cada cuantos + Nombre.

Example: They agreed to publish a new edition at appropriate intervals, for example every few years.

» every few + Período de Tiempo = cada tantos + Período de Tiempo.

Example: LCSH revision is continuous, and may be quite large scale, though this is less obvious because it does not take place in one lump every few years.

» every few years = cada pocos años.

Example: They agreed to publish a new edition at appropriate intervals, for example every few years.

» every five minutes = cada cinco minutos.

Example: So people who check their email every five minutes waste 8 hours a week figuring out what they were doing moments before.

» every five minutes = cada dos por tres.

Example: I am tired of having to blow my nose every five minutes.

» every hour that God sends = día y noche, todo el tiempo, sin descanso, sin descansar, sin cesar.

Example: As someone who is at it like billy-o almost every hour that God sends, I was delighted but not surprised by this survey.

» every inch = de cabo a rabo, de pies a cabeza, de arriba abajo.

Example: Something supremely elegant about the way Jimenez comports himself: every inch the Spanish grandee he is always worth watching.

» every living soul = todo bicho viviente, toda alma viviente, todo ser humano, todo quisque, todo quisqui.

Example: The inherent nature of man is ever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom, because freedom is the birthright of every living Soul.

» every man for himself = sálvese quien pueda, cada uno que se las apañe como pueda, cada cual por su cuenta, que cada perro se lama su pijo/capullo, cada perro que se lama su pijo/capullo.

Example: If more and more of us begin to see life purely as 'every man for himself,' what other unintended consequences may come with such a shift.

» Posesivo + every need = todas y cada una de + Posesivo + necesidades.

Example: The Maya king and his nobles lived an easy life -- they had their every need provided for by the commoners.

» every night = cada noche, todas las noches.

Example: I have a roommate who masturbates every night and it makes me sick.

» every now and again = de vez en cuando, alguna que otra vez, de cuando en cuando, cada cuando, cada cierto tiempo, de trecho en trencho, de tanto en tanto, cada tanto, cada tanto tiempo, a cada rato.

Example: Every now and again, someone gets the fame they deserve.

» every now and then = de vez en cuando, alguna que otra vez, de cuando en cuando, cada cuando, cada cierto tiempo, de trecho en trencho, de tanto en tanto, cada tanto, cada tanto tiempo, a cada rato.

Example: I can walk on that foot, but as you described, every now and then without warning, the foot and ankle give way.

» every once in a while = de vez en cuando, alguna que otra vez, de cuando en cuando, cada cuando, cada cierto tiempo, de trecho en trencho, de tanto en tanto, cada tanto, cada tanto tiempo, a cada rato.

Example: It does help to every once in a while ask where we came from and where we are going as a library.

» every other = cada dos.

Example: He cooperates in every way -- works two evenings a week, every other Saturday, and one Sunday afternoon in four.

» every other = casi todo(s).

Example: Every other living creature on this earth great or small has a self-defence mechanism.

» every other day = en días alternos, un día sí y otro no, cada dos días.

Example: The bottom line of this research is that skipping one meal every day or every other day should slow or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

» every other minute = cada dos minutos.

Example: Imagine holding your breath for 30 seconds every other minute for 8 hours -- that's what happens to people with sleep apnea.

» every other minute = cada dos por tres.

Example: It's also not always practical to don and remove gloves every other minute when dealing with babies and toddlers.

» every picture tells a story = una imagen vale mil palabras.

Example: The article 'Every picture tells a story' describes a new labelling system for the categorisation of library materials which includes a star-shaped badge for Westerns, a flower for gardening and plants, a tank for war, and a clown's face for 'funny stories'.

» every reason = todas las razones del mundo.

Example: She had every reason to believe that as usual she would have to utter a few words of gratitude at this year's evaluation.

» every single soul = todo bicho viviente, toda alma viviente, todo ser humano, todo quisque, todo quisqui.

Example: And as far as one knows, every single soul kept their mouths shut throughout the war about what they were doing.

» every so often = de vez en cuando, de cuando en cuando, cada cuando, cada cierto tiempo, de trecho en trencho, de tanto en tanto, cada tanto, cada tanto tiempo, a cada rato.

Example: Every so often, the mist cleared and I could see sunlight in the distance.

» every step of the way = hacer pasar por.

Example: She shamelessly steal other people's work and pass it off as her own original content.

» every time [everytime] = cada vez.

Example: DOBIS/Leuven places the union catalog mark against a bibliographic record in the system catalog every time a new title is added to the holdings of the library.

» every Tom, Dick and Harry = todo quisque, todo quisqui, todo dios, todo el mundo, todo hijo de vecino, todo mindundi, todo bicho viviente.

Example: It really is time we stopped kow-towing to every Tom, Dick and Harry who runs down our industry.

» every trick in the book = todos los trucos habidos y por haber.

Example: The authors behind this specific strain of malware are trying every trick in the book to get users to succumb to their ill-meaning plans.

» every trick in the trade = todos los trucos habidos y por haber.

Example: He laughs off most of these stories today as exaggeration but concedes that he had to try every trick in the trade just to make people pay him his legitimate dues in an industry notorious for its unkept promises.

» every year = todos los años, cada año.

Example: She stood on her head every year on her birthday to prove she still could do it.

» from every corner of the globe = de todos los rincones del mundo, de todas las partes del mundo.

Example: I like every kind of music from every corner of the globe.

» from every corner of the world = de todos los rincones del mundo, de todas las partes del mundo.

Example: In late summer, the ideas started pouring in from every corner of the world.

» from every part of the world = de todas las partes del mundo.

Example: Thousands of runners from every part of the world gather every year to run in the footsteps of the legendary Greek soldier-runner-messenger.

» from every quarter = de todos lados, de todas direcciones, de todas partes.

Example: Finding long-term solutions will require ideas and initiative from every quarter.

» hang on + Posesivo + (every) word(s) = estar (totalmente) pendiente de + Posesivo + palabras, estar (totalmente) pendiente de lo que + decir.

Example: Her girls worship the ground she walks on, the women hang on her every word, and the men languish in the trail of her Parisian perfume.

» have + a finger in every pie = estar en todo, estar metido en todo, controlarlo todo, estar en misa y repicando, meterse en todos los fregados, meter las manos en todo, andar en misa y repicando.

Example: Now with a whole spectrum of collaborative projects, they seem to have a finger in every pie.

» have + every possibility of = tener todas las posibilidades de.

Example: The library has every possibility of achieving the desired relationship of mutal benefit between itself and the community.

» have + every right to = tener todo el derecho a.

Example: He has every right to feel sore about his treatment at the hands of the police officers.

» in every conceivable way = de todas las formas concebibles.

Example: The auto industry keeps expanding and diversifying in every conceivable way.

» in every corner of the globe = en todos los rincones del mundo, en todas las partes del mundo.

Example: Football talent can be found in every corner of the globe and Malta is no exception.

» in every corner of the world = en todos los rincones del mundo, en todas las partes del mundo.

Example: The shouts, sounds, and smells of streetside commerce are unique in every corner of the world, with each culture putting a local twist on this brand of work.

» in every possible way = de todas las formas posible.

Example: Nowadays with our litigation culture we have to cover our backs in every possible way to avoid costly court cases tying to prove innocence.

» in every way = de muchas maneras.

Example: He cooperates in every way -- works two evenings a week, every other Saturday, and one Sunday afternoon in four.

» love + every minute of = disfrutar cada minuto de, disfrutar al máximo, pasárselo en grande, disfrutar como un enano, encantar, fascinar, gozar como un enano, gozar de lo lindo.

Example: I loved every minute of it and it made me see just how poverty stricken Jamaica really is!.

» make + every effort = hacer todo lo posible por, esforzarse por.

Example: Nevertheless, every effort should be made to build in the potential for the use of IT in as many areas as possible around the library.

» make + every minute count = aprovechar cada minuto, no perder ni un minuto, no desperdiciar ni un minuto.

Example: They say that a person with goals makes every minute count.

» make + every second count = aprovechar cada segundo, no perder ni un segundo, no desperdiciar ni un segundo.

Example: If Mimi could have a final wish to her family and friends it would be, 'think of me as a girl that wants to fly high, shine bright, and make every second count'.

» of every corner of the globe = de todos los rincones del mundo, de todas las partes del mundo.

Example: This proof is contained in a meteorite unearthed in Antarctica in 1984 whose name was soon the talk of every corner of the globe.

» of every corner of the world = de todos los rincones del mundo, de todas las partes del mundo.

Example: Our intention is to provide you with free offline maps of every corner of the world.

» of every shade and hue = de todos los tonos y matices, de todo tipo, de toda clase, de toda calaña.

Example: He also traveled extensively all over India, debating on religious beliefs of every shade and hue.

» of every sort = de todo tipo.

Example: Increasingly, research libraries are sharing resources of every sort.

» pander to + Posesivo + every wish = consentir a Alguien todos los caprichos.

Example: So what we've got to do is take her down a peg or two by not pandering to her every wish to make her feel welcome -- treat her like one of us.

» Pronombre + every + Nombre = todos y cada uno de + Adjetivo + Nombre.

Example: And yet the thought of what he was being asked to do to salvage the jeopardized budget outraged his every fiber.

» resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body = resistir con todas las fuerzas.

Example: In point of fact, I am well aware that catalogers, as a group, resist with every cell in their bodies any attempt to erode or degrade or compromise the catalog.

» there + be + every likelihood that = ser muy probable que, existir toda probabilidad de que, con toda probabilidad.

Example: He said there was every likelihood that the problem would take care of itself.

» there + be + every reason to think that = hay suficientes motivos para pensar que.

Example: There is every reason to think that the same will be true of digital resources = Hay suficientes motivos para pensar que lo mismo ocurrirá con las colecciones digitales.

» there's one born every minute = los hay para dar y regalar.

Example: There's one born every minute: those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

» to every cloud, there is a silver lining = no hay mal que por bien no venga.

Example: As the saying goes, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.

» watch + every move + Pronombre + make = observar atentamente, no poder quitar los ojos de encima.

Example: She was just twenty years old when she married Prince Charles, and from that moment millions of people around the world watched every move she made.

» watch + Posesivo + every move = observar atentamente, no poder quitar los ojos de encima.

Example: She says her ex-boyfriend may be watching her every move since he was released from jail.

» wish + Nombre + every success = desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo.

Example: IFLA's involvement in the Global Knowledge Partnership is a major step towards that goal and I wish it every success.

» with every passing moment = con cada momento que + pasar.

Example: The reunion between siblings was prickly and the tension grew with every passing moment.
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