Evergreen in spanish

Hojas perennes

pronunciation: oʊxɑspeɹ̩ennes part of speech: noun
In gestures

evergreen1 = planta de hoja perenne. 

Example: Most tropical rainforest plants are evergreens, replacing their leaves gradually throughout the year as the leaves age and fall.

evergreen2 = de hoja perenne. [Adjetivo]

Example: Children should be taught to understand that some plants are evergreen and some are deciduous.


» evergreen plant = planta de hoja perenne.

Example: In the case of evergreen plants, needles or leaves are retained for several years in a row.

» evergreen tree = árbol de hoja perenne.

Example: Evergreen trees are our savior in winter and landscape workhorses the year-round , well worth the pruning and other care we give them.

Evergreen synonyms

coniferous in spanish: conífero, pronunciation: kənɪfɜrəs part of speech: adjective cone-bearing in spanish: que lleva el cono, pronunciation: koʊnberɪŋ part of speech: adjective evergreen plant in spanish: planta de hoja perenne, pronunciation: evɜrgrinplænt part of speech: noun

Evergreen antonyms

deciduous pronunciation: dɪsɪdʒuəs part of speech: adjective deciduous plant pronunciation: dɪsɪdʒuəsplænt part of speech: noun
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