Ever in spanish


pronunciation: siempɹ̩e part of speech: adverb
In gestures

ever1 = alguna vez. 

Example: And then, emitting a short laugh, she said: 'if they ever do it!'.


» as + Adjetivo + as ever = tan + Adjetivo + como de costumbre, tan + Adjetivo + como siempre.

Example: In this live peformance video, Joan Sutherland's coloratura is as deft as ever.

» as happy as ever = tan feliz como siempre, tan contento como siempre.

Example: Tootsie has got his strength back and is now as happy as ever running around outside.

» as much as ever = tanto como siempre.

Example: Prose and poetry, novels and plays, essays and biographies I enjoy them all as much as ever.

» be ever + Adjetivo = estar siempre + Adjetivo.

Example: They should be ever mindful that their role as instructors is to give students opportunities and occasions for learning.

» best ever = mejor.

Example: The conference had a wobbly start in 1997 but has since grown increasingly stronger and has had its best ever year with over 650 attendees.

» ever + Adjetivo Comparativo = cada vez más + Adjetivo.

Example: As time passes by, our collections grow ever larger and the problems of storage and retrieval become ever more pressing.

» ever after = para siempre, eternamente, desde entonces, desde ese momento, desde aquel momento.

Example: The author focuses on debunking the Cinderella Myth -- that relates the tale of Cinderella who is abused and exploited until she finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after.

» ever and anon = de vez en cuando.

Example: Ever and anon, too, there came a glare of red light out of his eyes, as if the old man's soul were on fire.

» ever-changing [ever changing] = en constante cambio, en continuo cambio, siempre cambiante, que cambia con el tiempo.

Example: These new titles are not just cosmetic, they do reflect the ever-changing role of the library service.

» ever-dashing = cautivador, guapo, fascinador.

Example: Princess Cinderella and the ever-dashing Prince Charming are about to celebrate their tenth anniversary - and all the kingdom's abuzz!.

» ever easier = cada vez más fácil.

Example: Continuing progress in on-line and CD-ROM technology is leading to new possibilities in information retrieval, and future developments promise ever easier access and use.

» ever-evolving = que está en constante evolución.

Example: With the ever-evolving field of women and development, the areas of research are expanding.

» ever-expanding = en constante expansión.

Example: This is a difficulty of technology and design, but I would submit that a more basic difficulty lies in the implications of how we exchange bibliographical data in the ever-expanding community.

» ever faster = cada vez más rápido.

Example: Today's world turns ever faster on the axis of change.

» ever-fluid = en constante cambio.

Example: The public library needs to be staffed with personnel who have deep interest into the ever-fluid aspects of human development.

» ever + Gerundio = cada vez más + Participio.

Example: For all national libraries a major factor is technological change in communication proceeding at an ever accelerating rating which has brought them to the current juncture.

» ever greater = cada vez mayor, cada vez más.

Example: The results has been an ever greater obfuscation of what constitutes the profession of librarianship.

» evergreen = de hoja perenne. [Adjetivo]

Example: Children should be taught to understand that some plants are evergreen and some are deciduous.

» evergreen = planta de hoja perenne.

Example: Most tropical rainforest plants are evergreens, replacing their leaves gradually throughout the year as the leaves age and fall.

» ever-growing = cada vez mayor, cada vez más, creciente, en constante expansión.

Example: To gauge the full impact on the BNB one must add to these Arabic publications half a dozen books in Kurdish, not forgetting the ever-growing list of translations of oriental works.

» ever-improving = cada vez mejor, en constante mejora, en mejora constante.

Example: Our ever-improving technology has allowed us to fish longer, catch more, and move further from land.

» ever-increasing = cada vez en mayor grado, en continuo aumento, cada vez mayor, cada vez más.

Example: Up to and including the fourteenth edition progress led to ever-increasing detail.

» ever larger [ever-larger] = cada vez mayor.

Example: Technology plays an ever larger role in the delivery of services in libraries of all sizes.

» everlasting = eterno, imperecedero, duradero, continuo.

Example: Appraisal is the single most important function performed by an archivist because it has wide-reaching and everlasting social implications.

» ever-melting  = en constante deshielo.

Example: Then there are personalities who can never keep a deadline and live in a time dimension of ever-melting horizons = Y, además, existen aquellos que nunca pueden cumplir un plazo y vivien en una dimensión temporal de horizontes en continuo deshielo.

» ever more = cada vez más.

Example: As costs continue to rise and funds remain limited, the importance of spending each acquisitions dollar wisely becomes ever more apparent.

» ever-new = nuevo, siempre nuevo. [Usado para indica énfasis]

Example: He was then able to compare sources that made correlations possible and raised ever-new questions.

» ever-postponed = pospuesto una y otra vez.

Example: At one time it was hoped that the new edition would be published in two volumes in 1973, but this proved impossible, and it began to seem that the publication would begin to parallel the publication of the full English edition of UDC, with its ever-postponed completion date.

» ever-present = omnipresente.

Example: Maurice Freedman's concluding remarks at the 'Institute on The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects' proved that the interest in cataloging and catalogs is an ever-present reality.

» ever-pressing = acuciante, apremiante.

Example: Cooperative collection development is seen as a solution to the ever-pressing problems posed by the 'information explosion' = El desarrollo de la colección cooperativa se ve como una solución a los apremiantes problemas planteados por la "explosión de informaciones".

» ever-shifting = en constante cambio, en continuo cambio, siempre cambiante, que cambia con el tiempo.

Example: Phil Bradley looks at various developments that have occurred recently in the ever-shifting scene of the search engine.

» ever since = desde entonces.

Example: By the 1820s good white paper was regularly produced with the aid of chlorine bleaches, and the process has been used in the manufacture of virtually all white paper ever since.

» ever since + Expresión Temporal = desde + Expresión Temporal.

Example: Ever since 1976, the construction of an information supply system to cater for the demands of physics research has been planned and implemented.

» (ever) since day one = desde el primer día.

Example: Some of the pit musicians, who have been there since day one, describe what it's like to play the same notes for 20 year.

» ever since then = desde entonces.

Example: Ever since then, numerous materials have been tried for producing types, including baked mud, wood engraving, copper, tin, and lead.

» ever so + Adverbio = tan + Adverbio, muy + Adverbio.

Example: He fully expected the director to acquiesce, for his eyebrows mounted ever so slightly.

» ever-widening = cada vez más amplio, cada vez mayor.

Example: The inter-library loan network operates like a spiral with the individual library at the centre and the local, regional, national and international back-up services forming an ever-widening circle around it.

» ever-wider = cada vez más amplio, cada vez mayor.

Example: Blood stem cell grafts: a possible treatment for an ever-wider range of cancers.

» first ever = primerísimo, primer.

Example: In April 1993 the first ever computer crime legislation came into existence in Hong Kong.

» forever = para siempre, hasta la muerte, eternamente.

Example: Documents and information can be lost forever by faults in inputting.

» forever and ever = para siempre jamás, para siempre, por siempre jamás, eternamente, perennemente, por los siglos de los siglos.

Example: I hope I get to spend every single birthday with you forever and ever.

» hardly ever = casi nunca.

Example: American football grew out of the English game of rugby and unlike soccer the foot hardly ever touches the ball.

» however = sin embargo, no obstante, por el contrario, por otro lado, de cualquier modo, empero.

Example: However, one important feature to note about such systems is that many of them do not in fact organise knowledge or retrieve information.

» howsoever = como quiera que, de cualquier modo que, no importa cómo, sin importar lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo.

Example: Howsoever intelligent we may be, or wealthy, or experienced, we all make mistakes.

» if ever = si acaso, si es que sucede alguna vez, por no decir nunca.

Example: A search of a collection very rarely, if ever, retrieves all the relevant documents possessed in that collection.

» if it ever was = si alguna vez lo fue.

Example: He sees the cult of the body as an indication that America is no longer puritanical, if it ever was.

» more than ever = más que antes, más que nunca, más que nunca antes.

Example: In the Year of the Young Reader, booksellers and librarians should form a lobby through which they can become a stronger, more unified force than ever.

» more ... than ever before = más ... que nunca antes, más ... que antes.

Example: Today the environment is changing more quickly than ever before, driven by technological change.

» more than ever before = más que antes, más que nunca, más que nunca antes.

Example: The unavoidable conclusion of all this is that more than ever before young people are seeking to escape from the academic environment and move out into the world as soon as possible.

» never looked back ever since = irle muy bien, irle a las mil maravillas, no arrepentirse.

Example: Mick started his musical career as a singer and songwriter twenty years ago and has never looked back ever since.

» Nombre + ever = Nombre + por primera vez.

Example: I sometimes imagine that the first article on the high costs of cataloging was written as the first book, ever, was being cataloged.

» the same place as ever = el mismo lugar de siempre.

Example: I guess I talk too much about leaving and that is why I am still standing on the same place as ever.

» whatever = cualquier, lo que quiera que, no importa, no importa qué, independientemente de.

Example: In producing this subject, or conceptual, analysis the indexer names the selected concepts in whatever words, or terms, he chooses.

» whatsoever = en absoluto, de ningún tipo, de ninguna clase. [En frase con sentido negativo]

Example: I have had no experience whatsoever with academic collections = No he tenido experiencia de ningún tipo con las colecciones académicas.

» whenever = siempre que.

Example: Whenever this code is entered, the system saves the document or list of documents being displayed and displays a summary of the documents saved up to that point.

» wherever = allí donde, dondequiera que, siempre que.

Example: The unit entry approach uses the same unit or entry wherever a given work is listed.

» whichever = independientemente de lo que, cualquiera que sea lo que.

Example: Whichever he chooses he will still have to sift out and categorize the numerous errors that disfigure all the early texts of the play.

» whoever = quienquiera que.

Example: Whoever cataloged it at LC, and I'm willing to bet it happened elsewhere too, probably didn't get much beyond the dust jacket where there was a big clue about something special to the book.

» whomever = a quienquiera que.

Example: Also unfortunately common is the lonely soul who visits interminably with whomever is on the desk -- and occasionally with other readers.

ever2 = jamás, nunca. 

Example: Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.


» not want to see + Nombre + ever again = no querer ver + Nombre + jamás, no querer ver + Nombre + ni en pintura.

Example: If I said that I do not want to see her ever again it's because she is so mean to me.

» now more than ever = ahora más que nunca.

Example: A phenomenon as old as humanity, megalomania has become, now more than ever, an attitude reflective of our contemporary culture.

Ever synonyms

always in spanish: siempre, pronunciation: ɔlweɪz part of speech: adverb of all time in spanish: de todos los tiempos, pronunciation: ʌvɔltaɪm part of speech: adverb ever so in spanish: siempre tan, pronunciation: evɜrsoʊ part of speech: adverb

Ever antonyms

never pronunciation: nevɜr part of speech: adverb
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