Eventful in spanish


pronunciation: memoʊɹ̩ɑble part of speech: adjective
In gestures

eventful = memorable, lleno de acontecimientos. 

Example: I'm looking forward to meeting as many of you as is humanly possible during what I know will prove to be a marvellous and eventful week.

Eventful synonyms

important in spanish: importante, pronunciation: ɪmpɔrtənt part of speech: adjective lively in spanish: animado, pronunciation: laɪvli part of speech: adjective consequential in spanish: consecuente, pronunciation: kɑnsəkwentʃəl part of speech: adjective of import in spanish: de importacion, pronunciation: ʌvɪmpɔrt part of speech: adjective

Eventful antonyms

uneventful pronunciation: əniventfəl part of speech: adjective
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