Event in spanish


pronunciation: ebentoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

event = acontecimiento, evento, suceso, hecho, acto, situación. 

Example: The concept of corporate body includes named occasional groups and events, such as meetings, conferences, congresses, expeditions, exhibitions, festivals, and fairs.


» a train of events = una serie de acontecimientos, una serie de sucesos.

Example: Most people, if you describe a train of events to them, will tell you what the result would be.

» be overtaken by events = quedar anulado con el paso del tiempo, quedarse obsoleto.

Example: In the event, this plan was overtaken by events, in that with the introduction of MARC in 1971, BNB decided to use DC18 and abandon its own version of DC in the interests of international standardization.

» book event = acto relacionado con el libro.

Example: This article describes the thinking behind a new book event for countries in the Pacific region which will take place in May 93.

» calendar of events = programa de actividades.

Example: The 1st calendar of events included a slide show, a literary afternoon, travel tips, and a picnic and outing.

» chain of events, the = curso de los acontecimientos, el; marcha de los acontecimientos, el; serie de acontecimientos.

Example: Ambitious people know that everything they do form the links in the chain of events that will lead them to their final destination.

» change + the course of events = cambiar la situación, cambiar lo acontencido.

Example: Are there moments in which Jean could have acted differently and thereby changed the course of the events that followed?.

» coming event = acontecimiento próximo.

Example: News, leagues, coming events and tournaments, and listings of bowling centres for bowlers in England.

» community event = acontecimiento social.

Example: People are checking over the giant noticeboard of community events, 'for sale,' 'ads,' and 'help wanted' notices.

» course of events, the = curso de los acontecimientos, el; marcha de los acontecimientos, el.

Example: The future life of each individual is so rigorously predetermined that his own volitions or desires have no power to alter the course of events.

» curious event = suceso curioso.

Example: She wonders whether curious events are merely coincidences or indications of a deeper mystery.

» current events = noticias de actualidad.

Example: However the scope of the data bases is wide, and extends to the arts, social sciences, public affairs, current events and business.

» current news events = noticias de actualidad.

Example: Several hundred pages of information are available on each channel, concerned mainly with current news events, weather and sporting news.

» during the course of events = en este período, durante este período, durante el transcurso de los acontecimientos, en aquel entonces, en el curso de los acontecimientos, en el transcurso de los acontecimientos.

Example: Questionnaires will be collected from participants during the course of the events over an 18-month period.

» equestrian event = competición ecuestre, concurso ecuestre, torneo ecuestre.

Example: Equestrian events were included in the Olympic Games for the first time in 1900.

» event-filled = con muchos acontecimientos, con muchos eventos, con muchas actividades, lleno de acontecimientos, lleno de eventos, lleno de actividades.

Example: This week is looking to be quite a jam packed, event-filled, extravaganza!.

» events calendar = programa de actividades.

Example: The library has developed an online community database and events calendar which is available to the public.

» events organiser = organizador de eventos.

Example: Events organisers must be able to complete a wide range of activities requiring clear communication and excellent organisational skills.

» events planner = organizador de eventos.

Example: She is also considering setting up her own business as an events planner specialising in weddings.

» events + unfold = acontecimientos + desarrollarse.

Example: It will be readily apparent as the events unfold in some of the cases, however, that librarians are sometimes called upon to make painful decisions.

» everyday event = hecho cotidiano, suceso cotidiano.

Example: Investing in the foreign currency market without acknowledging the importance of everyday events is certainly not a recipe for success.

» extra-mural event = actividad extraescolar.

Example: Pupils who successfully complete the course appear to be amongst the most active not only at school, but also in extra-mural events including literary contests.

» family event = evento familiar.

Example: This highly anticipated family event has attracted consumers by the carload.

» historical event = acontecimiento histórico.

Example: The author considers the complex, symbiotic relationships among social memory, popular culture, and historical events.

» hold + an event = celebrar un acontecimiento, organizar un acto.

Example: Numerous events are also to be held as a tribute to the work of artists and political personalities.

» in any event = en cualquier caso, de cualquier forma.

Example: In any event, those using the system will need to concern themselves with the general management of the data bases.

» in the course of events = en este período, durante este período, durante el transcurso de los acontecimientos, en aquel entonces, en el curso de los acontecimientos.

Example: In the course of the events and also thereafter, rumors spread that they were perpetrating a massacre.

» in the event = al final resultó que.

Example: In the event the term was taken to comprehend programmes of education which treated of the generation, storage, manipulation, transmission, retrieval, use and management of data and information.

» in the event of = en (el) caso de (que).

Example: In the event of a serious accident (a fire, deliberate destruction, or a computer error) nothing will happen to the records vital to the operation of the library.

» in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control = en caso de fuerza mayor, en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + control.

Example: We therefore reserve the right to revise delivery dates in the event of circumstances beyond our control.

» in the event that = en (el) caso de (que).

Example: This is helpful in the event that it may be necessary to modify those entries as the result of a change to the authority heading.

» in the normal course of events = en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, en circunstancias normales, por lo general, generalmente, normalmente, en el transcurso normal de los acontecimientos.

Example: In the normal course of events, the zygote and sporophyte will have a full double set of chromosomes again.

» in the normal run of events = en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, en circunstancias normales, por lo general, generalmente, normalmente, en el transcurso normal de los acontecimientos.

Example: In the normal run of events a well-organised active minority of quite a small size can play a decisive role in the determination of a political outcome.

» local events = acontecimientos locales.

Example: This database provides access to a wide range of information, including local news, the housing and employment markets, weather and local events, through some 400 public terminals located in public libraries, employment centres, town-halls, and schools.

» musical event = actuación musical.

Example: This article discusses the role of musical concerts in libraries and gives an account of a number of instances where libraries promote musical events.

» natural event = acontecimiento natural.

Example: Natural events that pollute the air include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, pollen dispersal, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radioactivity.

» networking event = encuentro social, acto social.

Example: These prestigious networking events will provide you with the latest news and trends in the design industry.

» public event = evento público, acontecimiento público.

Example: Royalty have always been chauffeured to public functions and events and quite often make use of this facility in their private lives too.

» put on + a musical event = organizar una actuación musical.

Example: Libraries both public and academic sometimes put on shows, plays and musical events to promote the library.

» red carpet event = acontecimiento importante.

Example: Be the centre of attention and make heads turn at any red carpet event with this new body lotion!.

» set in + motion a train of events = desencadenar una serie de acontecimientos, desencadenar una serie de sucesos.

Example: He embarked on a secret quest to find his double and set in motion a train of events that he couldn't control.

» social event = evento social, acontecimiento social.

Example: Also covered are the finances of the CLA, social events during the conference, funds and support for gays, and the year ahead for CLA.

» sport event = acontecimiento deportivo.

Example: Such writing can spring off from things that happen in the local community such as robberies, things that happen in the local community: robberies, street accidents, big sports events, a strike and the like.

» sporting event = acontecimiento deportivo, evento deportivo.

Example: By contrast, other quite literate people prefer to spend their leisure going to the cinema, the theatre, the pub, to sporting events or any of a hundred other forms of recreation.

» sport(s) event = evento deportivo.

Example: These programs include not only sports events and athletic competitions but also cultural activities and live entertainment.

» the course of events = los acontecimientos, la situación.

Example: It also covers the course of the events themselves in great detail. including the actions of various Jewish and Arab individuals.

» the current(s) of events = el curso de los hechos.

Example: Queen Mary's refusal to accept the currents of events led to her deposition and eventual exile in 1567.

» the rush of events = los acontecimientos.

Example: The USA must act quickly before the rush of events forecloses some of the options now available for developing and managing this technology.

» track event = competición de atletismo en pista.

Example: Such scrapes can occur in many contact sports and track events.

» tragic event = suceso trágico.

Example: People cope with tragic events, like the Boston Marathon bombing, in different ways.

» train of events, the = curso de los acontecimientos, el; marcha de los acontecimientos, el; serie de acontecimientos.

Example: You guessed right, I am supposed to take a decision very soon, a decision that could affect the train of events in my life.

» turn of events = giro inesperado de los acontecimientos, cambio inesperado de los acontecimientos, cambio imprevisto de los acontecimientos, giro inesperado de los acontecimientos.

Example: After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.

» unfolding events, the = desarrollo de los acontecimientos, el.

Example: I refuse to accept the idea that we are mere flotsam and jetsam in a river of life, unable to influence the unfolding events which surround us.

Event synonyms

case in spanish: caso, pronunciation: keɪs part of speech: noun
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