Even in spanish


pronunciation: inklusoʊ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

even1 = incluso, aun. 

Example: Even a dictionary catalogue uses the symbols of a classification scheme to indicate the shelf location of documents.


» even after = incluso después de.

Example: Even after the patient has been successfully defibrillated, they are still at risk of developing ventricular fibrillation again..

» even at the very best (of times) = incluso en el mejor de los casos, aun en el mejor de los casos.

Example: Having lived abroad in Istanbul and now London, I know a lot about our reputation over here, which even at the very best of times is far from good.

» even better = aun mejor, mejor aun.

Example: The system was successfully implemented on schedule and has produced even better results than hoped for.

» even farther afield = incluso yendo más lejos.

Example: Even farther afield, education for library professionals is provided by schools offering programs of library and informations studies.

» even further = aun más, más aun, todavía más, más todavía.

Example: Moreover, budgets will be squeezed even further by the rapidly rising costs of materials.

» even if = aun cuando.

Example: We shall now index documents under the term 'primary school' even if this concept is only embodied in a sub-theme within them.

» even more = aun más, más aun.

Example: The mass shooting at the Sikh temple seems even more horrifying than most.

» even so = aun así, incluso así.

Example: Even so, school library provision has been improved and increased out of all recognition since the days when only the long established grammar schools and public schools had libraries of their own.

» even then = aun entonces, incluso entonces.

Example: During the Golden Age, more than forty-five publishing companies competed for a share of the ever-growing pie, but even then, a few large firms dominated the market.

» even though = aunque, aun cuando, manque.

Example: Their objectives are however slightly different, even though in any discussion of computerised cataloguing systems co-operative networks and centralised cataloguing are inextricably linked.

» even to this day = incluso hasta ahora, incluso hasta la actualidad, incluso hasta la presente, incluso hasta el presente, incluso hasta hoy (día).

Example: The bulbous domes and tapering minarets built with marble stand strong and beautiful even to this day.

» even when = aunque, aun cuando.

Example: On-line data banks are still expanding, as they provide unrivalled services, even when these have to be paid for by users.

» even worse = aun peor, peor aun.

Example: Even worse, the bomb squads themselves have become targets.

» go (even) further = dar (aun) más de sí, ir (aun) más allá.

Example: All agencies, it was found, were stretched to the limit, but by pooling resources these might be made to go further.

» make + a (bad) problem even worse = empeorar un problema.

Example: Our latest tests show that pumping the brakes at full throttle can make a bad problem even worse.

» make it + (even) harder = dificultar aun más, hacer (aun) más difícil.

Example: Should gun laws change to make it harder for the mentally ill to buy weapons?.

» not even = ni incluso.

Example: Some children are swayed more than others by the attitudes, opinions, behavior of friends and fellows, but none escapes unaffected, not even the outsider, the loner.

» not even for a minute! = ni por un minuto, ni por un momento, ni por un segundo.

Example: This will serve as a reminder to never leave a child in the car alone, not even for a minute!.

» not want to even think about it = no querer ni pensarlo.

Example: I didn't want to even think about it but I can see your heart isn't with us.

» not want to even think what = no querer ni pensar lo que.

Example: I do not want to even think what could have happened if we had not discovered the cause of their illness.

» yet even = incluso.

Example: Yet even under these auspicious circumstances, it is important that clients become stakeholders in the entire process = Aun incluso con estas circunstancias tan prometedoras, es importante que los clientes participen de lleno en todo el proceso.

even2 = uniforme, constante, regular, homogéneo. 

Example: An unvarying level of illumination, heating, cooling, ventilation and acoustics will give the even type of environment needed in an academic library.


» break + even = salir sin ganar ni perder, ni ganar ni perder, lo comido por lo servido.

Example: Would the library have to charge more than the major document delivery suppliers in order to break even on the cost of the service?.

» break-even = umbral de rentabilidad, punto de equilibrio. [En gestión, situación de una operación o empresa en la que los ingresos son iguales a los gastos de modo que ni se gana ni se pierde dinero]

Example: This paper shows how to determine an initial price and how to conduct a break-even analysis to evaluate the risk of the proposed price and print run.

» even-handed = ecuánime, equitativo, imparcial, justo, salomónico. 

Example: It is remarkable how even-handed this account is -- Farrell reveals Nixon's flaws but also shows the man's capacity for generosity and kindness.

» even keel = equilibrio, estabilidad, sesantez, ecuanimidad. [Nombre]

Example: That even keel, that unflappable demeanor is what made him such a steady player.

» even-keel = equilibrado, comedido, mesurado, estable, sensato, ecuánime. [Adjetivo]

Example: She doesn't expend energy on anger; she's an even-keel person -- the kind of leader people enjoy working with.

» even-keeled = mesurado, comedido, equilibrado.

Example: By the same token, the Obama campaign has remained relatively dignified, has survived the worst of crises, has been even-keeled, efficient and well-managed.

» even-tempered = apacible, sosegado.

Example: Ill-tempered girls were also twice as likely as even-tempered girls to be divorced women at midlife (26% vs. 12%).

» get + even = vengarse, ajustar cuentas.

Example: Our reactions to actual crime -- disbelief about the act committed, anger at the hurt caused, a desire to get even, and fear for ourselves and our children -- arrive in an indecipherable rush of emotion.

» on an even keel = equilibrado, comedido, estable, sensato, ecuánime.

Example: In the intervening months since the near-tragedy took place, her life has remained on an even keel.

» treat + Nombre + with an even hand = tratar Algo justamente, tratar Algo sin parcialismo, tratar Algo imparcialmente.

Example: There is a fundamental conflict of interests between the historian, who seeks to evaluate sources, and the librarian, who tries to treat them all with an even hand.

» uneven = desigual.

Example: Not surprisingly this can lead to gaps in coverage, and uneven coverage of subjects.

even3 = par. [Opuesto de odd (impar)]

Example: Results of comparisons are given in a number of tables and examined by factors such as results obtained in even and odd years and results of votes taken in spring and autumn.


» even number = número par.

Example: There are some periodicals with all even or odd volume numbers.

» even-numbered = par.

Example: More people vote in even-numbered years, so holding elections in odd-numbered years effectively disenfranchises thousands of voters.

» even page = página par.

Example: This technique makes use of two sets of header and footer controls, one for odd pages and one for even pages.

even out4 = nivelar, compensar, equilibrar. 

Example: But damp paper was still preferred for much ordinary printing until late in the nineteenth century, partly because it evened out the minor inequalities of used type in the days before the introduction of hot-metal composing machines which cast type afresh for each job.


» even + things out = compensar las cosas, compensar la situación, equilibrar las cosas, nivelar las cosas, equilibrar la situación, nivelar la situación, quedar en paz.

Example: Many demographers have speculated that the gender imbalance at birth may be evolution's way of evening things out overall.

» even + things up = compensar las cosas, compensar la situación, equilibrar las cosas, nivelar las cosas, equilibrar la situación, nivelar la situación, quedar en paz.

Example: This year we decided to even things up by making something with more of a British focus.

Even synonyms

level in spanish: nivel, pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun plane in spanish: avión, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: noun flat in spanish: plano, pronunciation: flæt part of speech: adjective true in spanish: cierto, pronunciation: tru part of speech: adjective still in spanish: todavía, pronunciation: stɪl part of speech: adverb yet in spanish: todavía, pronunciation: jet part of speech: adverb straight in spanish: Derecho, pronunciation: streɪt part of speech: adverb, adjective steady in spanish: estable, pronunciation: stedi part of speech: adjective equal in spanish: igual, pronunciation: ikwəl part of speech: adjective regular in spanish: regular, pronunciation: regjəlɜr part of speech: adjective tied in spanish: atado, pronunciation: taɪd part of speech: adjective justified in spanish: justificado, pronunciation: dʒʌstəfaɪd part of speech: adjective symmetrical in spanish: simétrico, pronunciation: səmetrɪkəl part of speech: adjective symmetric in spanish: simétrico, pronunciation: sɪmetrɪk part of speech: adjective fifty-fifty in spanish: cincuenta cincuenta, pronunciation: fɪftifɪfti part of speech: adjective even out in spanish: incluso fuera, pronunciation: ivɪnaʊt part of speech: verb

Even antonyms

odd pronunciation: ɑd part of speech: adjective uneven pronunciation: ənivən part of speech: adjective
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