Evaluation in spanish


pronunciation: ebɑluɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

evaluation = evaluación. 

Example: There is an extensive theory of the evaluation of indexes and indexing, but regrettably there is not space to treat this topic at any length in this work.


» administer + evaluation = realizar una evaluación.

Example: After the probationary period, performance evaluations are administered on a recurring basis.

» collection evaluation = evaluación de la colección.

Example: Collection evaluation has proved valuable at the State Library of New South Wales.

» critical evaluation = evaluación crítica.

Example: The aspect of literary content with wich bibliography must disclaim any connection is that of critical evaluation.

» evaluation form = impreso de evaluación.

Example: Perhaps it is an understatement to say that it is easy to reach consensus on the basic elements to be included in the evaluation form.

» evaluation process = proceso de evaluación.

Example: The evaluation process rests upon the premise that the results obtained should be verifiable.

» evaluation rating = puntuación, evaluación, valoración.

Example: In order to make sure that no prejudice or bias influences an evaluation rating, the rating should be reviewed by the supervisor's supervisor -- the next person in the hierarchy.

» evaluation tool = herramienta de evalución, instrumento de evaluación.

Example: Citation analysis provides a meaningful evaluation tool for bibliographers and collection managers.

» faculty evaluation = evaluación del profesorado.

Example: 'She's also on to look into the matter of merit increases and faculty evaluation,' she coughed discreetly.

» formative evaluation = evaluación continua.

Example: Both formative (monitoring) and summative (final assessment) evaluation are required if planning is to be an effective and meaningful management function = Se necesitan tanto la evaluación continua (de seguimiento) como la evaluación final para que la planificación sea una función de la gestión eficaz y con sentido.

» illuminative evaluation = evaluación iluminativa.

Example: A possible solution is that of 'illuminative evaluation,' a technique which gives evaluation a humanistic rather than a scientific base (objective evaluation).

» objective evaluation = evaluación objetiva.

Example: A possible solution is that of 'illuminative evaluation', a technique which gives evaluation a humanistic rather than a scientific base (objective evaluation).

» obtrusive evaluation = evaluación intrusiva. [Evaluación en la que el evaluador interviene de algún modo en el fenómeno evaluado]

Example: The difference in the results of the obtrusive and unobtrusive evaluations are small but statistically significant at the .05 level.

» overevaluation = sobrevaloración, sobre(e)stimación. 

Example: Failure to consider uncertainties such as price may result in a significant underevaluation or overevaluation of the project.

» performance evaluation = medición de la eficacia, evaluación del rendimiento.

Example: All parts of a personnel program except the results of the performance evaluation are public and should be explained thoroughly to employees.

» personnel evaluation = evaluación del personal.

Example: Few topics within the area of public library administration have generated as much print and speculation as the area of personnel evaluation.

» PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) = PERT (Técnica para la Evaluación y Revisión de Programas). [Método utilizado en la planificación y distribución de cualquier proyecto a realizar por una biblioteca o centro de documentación]

Example: Just as with other techniques of control in the planning process already discussed, in PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) one must be able to state objectives, then activities must be enumerated and estimates must be given for the time required for each of these activities.

» post-occupancy evaluation method = método de evaluación de un edificio en uso. [Método utilizado para evaluar la funcionalidad de un edificio una vez construido y en uso con objeto de introducir mejoras]

Example: The article is entitled 'Library design analysis using post-occupancy evaluation methods'.

» progress evaluation = evaluación del avance realizado.

Example: A progress evaluation will take place twice per annum, during which the successful candidate will report to the joint directors of the appointment.

» qualitative evaluation = evaluación cualitativa.

Example: This article discusses the differences between quantitive and qualitative evaluation and the instances in which one approach may be preferred over the other.

» quantitative evaluation = evaluación cuantitativa.

Example: This article discusses the differences between quantitive and qualitative evaluation and the instances in which one approach may be preferred over the other.

» re-evaluation [reevaluation] = reevaluación. 

Example: But only in 1982 did the union set up a committee to examine the service, and the inspectorate also pressed for a reevaluation.

» risk evaluation = análisis de riesgos.

Example: The steps of a risk management programme are the identification of risk, risk evaluation, risk treatment, selection and implementation, and monitoring.

» safety evaluation = evaluación de la seguridad.

Example: The article is entitled 'Information retrieval for the safety evaluation of cosmetic products'.

» self-evaluation = autoevaluación.

Example: Lack of proper self-evaluation may explain both their callousness and their imprudence = La falta de una autoevaluación adecuada puede explicar su insensibilidad e imprudencia.

» summative evaluation = evaluación final.

Example: Both formative (monitoring) and summative (final assessment) evaluation are required if planning is to be an effective and meaningful management function = Se necesitan tanto la evaluación continua (de seguimiento) como la evaluación final para que la planificación sea una función de la gestión eficaz y con sentido.

» system(s) evaluation = evaluación de sistemas.

Example: Results of the shared experience and preliminary system evaluation and user response are presented.

» underevaluation = desvalorización, infravalorización, subestimación, menosprecio. 

Example: Failure to consider uncertainties such as price may result in a significant underevaluation or overevaluation of the project.

» unobtrusive evaluation = evaluación no intrusiva. [Evaluación en la que el evaluador se limita a observar el fenómeno evaluado no interviniendo directamente en él]

Example: The difference in the results of the obtrusive and unobtrusive evaluations are small but statistically significant at the .05 level.

Evaluation synonyms

rating in spanish: clasificación, pronunciation: reɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun valuation in spanish: valuación, pronunciation: væljueɪʃən part of speech: noun
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