European in spanish


pronunciation: euɹ̩oʊpeoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

European = europeo. 

Example: In 1971 Sanford Berman demonstrated the subject heading list's bias toward an American/Western-European, Christian, white, male point-of-view.


» all-European = completamente europeo.

Example: Their contribution to the all-European approach to medical information services in health service is discussed.

» CET (Central European Time) = según el huso horario de Europa Central.

Example: Online registration will be closed by 12.00 CET on 1st of August 2005 = La inscripción en línea terminará a las 12 horas (según el huso horario de Europa Central) del día 1 de agosto del 2005.

» Commission of the European Communities (CEC) = Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas (CEC).

Example: The activities which have been launched by the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) support the concept of a cooperative, distributed network of materials data information services.

» Eastern European = de Europa del Este.

Example: He noted that the Eastern European markets are largely underdeveloped.

» ERPANET (European Resource Preservation and Access Network) = ERPANET (Red Europea para el Acceso y la Preservación de Recursos).

Example: ERPANET (European Resource Preservaton and Access Network) is a European initiative in the area of preservation of cultural heritage and scientific digital objects.

» EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research) = EUCLID (Asociación Europea para la Educación e Investigación en Biblioteconomía y Documentación).

Example: There is a need for library school to establish a vehicle for collective action such as BAILER (British Association for Information and Library Education and Research) or EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research).

» European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) = FEOGA (Fondos Europeos de Orientación y de Garantía Agrícola).

Example: This has been achieved by the establishment of a common fund, the 'European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund' (EAGGF, but often referred to by its French initials as FEOGA -- Fonds Europeen d'Orientation et de Garantie Agricole).

» European Association for Grey Literature (EAGLE) = Asociación Europea para la Literatura Gris (EAGLE).

Example: Its members then formed the European Association for Grey Literature (EAGLE), which is now self supporting and growing fast, with national SIGLE centres throughout Europe.

» European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom/EAEC) = Comunidad Europea de la Energía Atómica (Euratom/EAEC).

Example: The 'European Community' is composed of three individual Communities: the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Atomic Energy Community) (the EAEC, or Euratom), and the European Economic Community (the EEC or 'Common Market').

» European-based = con sede en Europa.

Example: The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.

» EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations) = EBLIDA (Oficina Europea de Asociaciones de Documentación, Información y Bibliotecarios).

Example: The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) was formed in 1992 to lobby the European Commission on behalf of library associations in the European Union.

» European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) = Comunidad Europea del Carbón y el Acero (CECA).

Example: The 'European Community' is composed of three individual Communities: the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Atomic Energy Community) (the EAEC, or Euratom), and the European Economic Community (the EEC or 'Common Market').

» European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) = Comisión Europea para la Preservación y el Acceso (ECPA).

Example: The European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) was founded in 1994 by librarians, archivists and scholars out of concern for millions of endangered books to raise awareness and convince decision makers of the importance of preservation.

» European Commission, the (EC, the) = Comisión Europea, la (CE, la).

Example: Weekly press briefings on general and topical issues and press conferences are given by visiting members of the European Commission.

» European Communities = países de la Comunidad Europea.

Example: Indeed, advantage was taken of the tenth anniversary of British membership to make 1983 a vintage year for monographs on the European Communities.

» European Community, the (EC, the) = Comunidad Europea, la (CE, la).

Example: The difficult issue of copyright will not be resolved as the European Community is not at present looking at reprography as an area of harmonization.

» European computer driving licence (ECDL) = acreditación europea en informática.

Example: A pilot scheme has involved people coming to the library for courses such as the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence).

» European Development Fund = Fondo para el Desarrollo Europeo.

Example: The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.

» European Economic Community (EEC) = Comunidad Económica Europea (CEE).

Example: The European Economic Community (EEC) Treaty of 25 March 1957 endowed the European Parliament with 'advisory and supervisory powers'.

» EFTA (European Free Trade Association)  = EFTA, la (Asociación Europea para el Libre Comercio).

Example: At the end of 1983 all customs duties between EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and EC countries were phased out = A finales de l983, se eliminaron progresivamente todos los aranceles entre los países de la EFTA (Asociación Europea para el Libre Comercio) y los de la CE.

» European Monetary System = Sistema Monetario Europeo.

Example: For some countries trade fluctuates with changes in the weekly market rates of exchange, but for others it changes only when their currencies are realigned in the European Monetary System.

» European Monetary Union (EMU) = Unión Monetaria Europea (UME).

Example: Even though the UK is not a member of the European Monetary Union (EMU), many companies will need to adapt their accounting systems to record receipts and payments in Euro.

» European Parliament = Parlamento Europeo.

Example: The European Parliament has no powers to slash red tape; it can only persuade others to do so.

» European Regional Development Fund = Fondo para el Desarrollo Regional Europeo.

Example: The European Regional Development Fund provides cash for regional economic development and recovery in the worst off regions in the Community.

» European Space for Higher Education (ESHE) = Espacio Europeo para la Educación Superior (EEES).

Example: The European Space for Higher Education (ESHE) foresees a reorganisation of the whole university system by 2010 according to the Bologna directives.

» European studies = estudios europeos.

Example: During the early 1970s European studies became a fashionable growth area boosted by the trend towards inter-disciplinarity in taught courses.

» European Union, the (EU, the) = Unión Europea, la (UE). [Expresión normalmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: This article outlines the development of a framework of human rights in the original European Economic Community through to the present position in the European Union (EU).

» Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) = Sección de Garantía del Asesoramiento Agrícola y del Fondo de Garantía Europeo (EAGGF).

Example: The Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) aims to provide a secure income for Community farmers and seeks to alleviate the problems of agriculture within the Community.

» Indo-European = indoeuropeo.

Example: The Visigoths, like other German peoples, were originally Indo-European.

» MEP (Member of the European Parliament) = eurodiputado.

Example: In certain member states, MEPs (Member of the European Parliament) have the right to use the services of their national parliamentary libraries, but this is not the case in the UK.

» non-European Union citizen = ciudadano no comunitario.

Example: A list of occupations which are ineligible for granting of a work permit in Ireland to non-European Union citizens.

» pan-European = paneuropeo.

Example: This is a pan-European standard for digital cordless communications.

» SEPIA (Safeguarding European Photographic Images for Access) = SEPIA (Protección de las Imágnes Fotográficas Europeas para el Acceso).

Example: In 1999 the SEPIA (Safeguarding European Photographic Images for Access) project was set up aimed at the long-term preservation of all kind of photographic materials, and defining the role of new technology in collection management.

» Single European Market = Mercado Unico Europeo.

Example: 1992 will bring the Single European Market in which many of the existing barriers to European integration will be removed.

» Southern European = del sur de Europa.

Example: Their main effort has been to provide captions for the deaf as well as subtitles in Southern European languages for immigrants not fluent in Swedish.

» ESPRIT (European Strategic Program for Research into Information Technology) = ESPRIT (Programa Estratégico Europeo para la Investigación en Tecnología de la Información).

Example: ESPRIT (European Strategic Program for Research into Information Technology) began in 1982 with the objective of providing the basic technologies which European industry needs to compete with the USA and Japan in the information technology field.

» Western-European = de Europa occidental, europeo occidental.

Example: In 1971 Sanford Berman demonstrated the subject heading list's bias toward an American/Western-European, Christian, white, male point-of-view.

» West European = de Europa Occidental.

Example: The target groups were primarily adult Danes who needed to be kept informed of the market, but also West European children temporarily in Denmark.
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