Eucharist in spanish


pronunciation: eukɑɹ̩istiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

Eucharist, the = Eucaristía, la. 

Example: Saint Job also critiqued Roman Catholic teachings regarding the use of unleavened bread in the Eucharist.

Eucharist synonyms

liturgy in spanish: liturgia, pronunciation: lɪtɜrdʒi part of speech: noun holy sacrament in spanish: sacramento santo, pronunciation: hoʊlisækrəmənt part of speech: noun eucharistic liturgy in spanish: liturgia eucarística, pronunciation: jukɜrɪstɪklɪtɜrdʒi part of speech: noun sacrament of the eucharist in spanish: sacramento de la eucaristía, pronunciation: sækrəməntʌvðəjukɜrəst part of speech: noun
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