Ethnic in spanish


pronunciation: etnikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

ethnic1 = etnia. [Grupo étnico]

Example: Archivists have been less successful in collecting documentation on white ethnics than in gathering materials on other neglected groups in American society.

ethnic2 = étnico, autóctono. 

Example: Examination of this subject heading list reveals that considerations of nationality, ethnic background, religion, and sex have been factors which have entered into the construction of LC's hypothetical reader.


» ethnic archives = archivo étnico.

Example: With the current political transitions in Europe, the relocation of national, regional, and ethnic archives is once again a timely issue.

» ethnic background = procedencia étnica, origen étnico.

Example: Ages on average are 18 to 48, and students are from diverse ethnic backgrounds.

» ethnic bond = lazo étnico.

Example: The nature of an ethnic bond, defined as the social bond between an ethnic group created by emigration & the country of origin, is discussed.

» ethnic cleansing = limpieza racial.

Example: We wish to mention that there can never be such matters as ethnic cleansing, license to rape, or other ill-willed behavior on the government's part.

» ethnic conflict = conflicto racial, conflicto étnico, problema racial, enfrentamiento racial.

Example: Roots of ethnic conflict included segregation, racism, socialization, and inequality.

» ethnic dimension = dimensión étnica.

Example: Outcomes can be disaggregated along age, class, ethnic, racial, & gender dimensions.

» ethnic discrimination = discriminación étnica.

Example: Racial and ethnic discrimination have had a long history in the United States, beginning with the importation of African slaves in the seventeenth century.

» ethnic group = grupo étnico.

Example: He added that in the early days of the city's development, the different ethnic groups had clustered in well-defined colonies.

» ethnic library = biblioteca de minoría étnica. [Biblioteca dedicada a coleccionar todo tipo de material documental relativo a una minoría étnica]

Example: All kinds of viewpoints are heard in these meetings from information services in high-technology research establishments to ethnic libraries in Alaska.

» ethnic minority = minoría étnica.

Example: Ethnic minorities, foreign students and males dropped out in larger proportions than other kinds of students.

» ethnic music = música étnica.

Example: Certain areas of music geography have been almost ignored: geographic mapping of music styles, the geography of ethnic music, religious and martial music, and stage and film music.

» ethnic origin = origen étnico.

Example: The LA is currently conducting a major survey to collect and monitor information on gender, ethnic origin and disability which will enable the LA to highlight and tackle problems of inequality in the profession.

» ethnic persecution = persecución étnica.

Example: While many Afghans are returning home, others are attempting to leave, due mostly to ethnic persecution.

» ethnic slur = comentario racista, insulto racista.

Example: The present findings indicate that ethnic slurs can indeed cue prejudiced behavior in those who are exposed to them.

» ethnic strife = conflicto racial, conflicto étnico, problema racial, enfrentamiento racial.

Example: As a result, faculty and students in the social sciences often focus on issues that are polemic -- racism, international conflict and war, ethnic strife, poverty.

» ethnic violence = violencia étnica.

Example: National, regional or local economic downturns increase ethnic violence and protests against it.

» multiethnic [multi-ethnic] = multiétnico, multiracial.

Example: These systems can be applied where the given language is the common language of communication within a multilingual, multiethnic area.

Ethnic synonyms

social in spanish: social, pronunciation: soʊʃəl part of speech: adjective, noun cultural in spanish: cultural, pronunciation: kʌltʃɜrəl part of speech: adjective ethnical in spanish: étnico, pronunciation: eθnɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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