Ethics in spanish


pronunciation: etikɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ethic = ética. [También se utiliza ethics con el mismo significado]

Example: The author discusses the very different ethic of information evolving within the Internet community and its hostility towards the concept of intellectual property.


» service ethic = ética de servicio.

Example: The fact that libraries are staffed by people strongly committed to the service ethic is a positive force.

» social ethic = ética social.

Example: The pursuit of professional status by librarians is not the best way to ensure the continuation of the 'social ethic' according to which librarians are educated.

» work ethic = ética profesional.

Example: With his interest in the process of making something, the craftsman embodies the traditional work ethic, with his respect for people and his concern for quality and thrift.

ethics = ética, moral. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras con esta terminación y usadas en singular]

Example: For example, class R Philosophy is first divided into such canonical divisions as Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics, ethics and Aesthetics.


» bioethics = bioética.

Example: Bioethics is defined as the study of value questions arising in the biomedical field.

» business ethics = ética comercial.

Example: This article focuses on the business ethic and its encroaching influence in not-for-profit organizations like most libraries.

» code of ethics = código deontológico, código de conducta ética, código ético.

Example: This article discusses the basis for a new code of ethics for librarians with reference to earlier ideas about virtues and vices for librarians.

» professional code of ethics = código de ética profesional.

Example: The touchstone for professional practice are the professional codes of ethics that govern medicine in face-to-face relationships with patients.

» professional ethics = ética profesional.

Example: The professional ethics of librarians and information workers support the ideal of free and equal access to knowledge = La ética profesional de los bibliotecarios y profesionales de la información apoya el ideal de acceso libre e igualitario al conocimiento.

Ethics synonyms

morality in spanish: moralidad, pronunciation: mɜræləti part of speech: noun morals in spanish: moralidad, pronunciation: mɔrəlz part of speech: noun ethical motive in spanish: motivo ético, pronunciation: eθəkəlmoʊtɪv part of speech: noun moral philosophy in spanish: filosofia Moral, pronunciation: mɔrəlfəlɑsəfi part of speech: noun
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