Eternity in spanish


pronunciation: eteɹ̩nidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

eternity = eternidad. 

Example: If they are non-librarians they might be released after a suitable period of chastisement but librarians should spend eternity there endlessly looking for 'Smith, E.S.' without rest or sympathy.


» seem like + an eternity = parecer una eternidad.

Example: Thus they remained for what seemed like an eternity.

» wait (for) + an eternity = esperar una eternidad, dar las uvas.

Example: If we wait for our useless, do-nothing elected officials to fix the problem, we'll have to wait for an eternity.

Eternity synonyms

forever in spanish: Siempre, pronunciation: fɜrevɜr part of speech: adverb infinity in spanish: infinito, pronunciation: ɪnfɪnəti part of speech: noun timelessness in spanish: atemporalidad, pronunciation: taɪmləsnəs part of speech: noun timeless existence in spanish: existencia atemporal, pronunciation: taɪmləsegzɪstəns part of speech: noun
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