Estimation in spanish


pronunciation: estimɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

estimation1 = estimación, cálculo. 

Example: Our estimation is that we have 845,000 nonunique names in the MARC data base.


» estimation of relevance = valor de pertinencia. [Juicio emitido por el que hace una búsqueda sobre la relevancia de los documentos recuperados a la búsqueda que se ha hecho]

Example: The system then prints out the titles in rank order, with the user responding to show his estimation of relevance.

» in + Posesivo + estimation = a + Posesivo + juicio.

Example: That said, India, in my estimation, will take some beating.

» overestimation = sobrevaloración, sobre(e)stimación. 

Example: In fact, the penalty paid for overestimation tends to increase linearly, while the one paid for underestimation tends to increase exponentially.

» underestimation = desvalorización, infravalorización, subestimación, menosprecio. 

Example: In fact, the penalty paid for overestimation tends to increase linearly, while the one paid for underestimation tends to increase exponentially.

estimation2 = estima, aprecio. 

Example: Maybe it is the simple fact that she is a woman and as a woman she is not worthy of his estimation.


» come down in + Posesivo + estimation = caerse de + Posesivo + pedestal, perder + Posesivo + estima, bajar en + Posesivo + estima.

Example: I used to like this guy -- he is a very funny guy but has come down in my estimation after I read his comments.

» come up in + Posesivo + estimation = ganarse + Posesivo + estima, subir en + Posesivo + estima.

Example: A very pleasant evening and have to say this restaurant is coming up in my estimation from when it first opened.

» go down in + Posesivo + estimation = caerse de + Posesivo + pedestal, perder + Posesivo + estima, bajar en + Posesivo + estima.

Example: She went down in their estimation when the truth came out.

» go up in + Posesivo + estimation = ganarse + Posesivo + estima, subir en + Posesivo + estima.

Example: As much as she disliked Emory, his reaction to their friends had made him go up in her estimation.

Estimation synonyms

idea in spanish: idea, pronunciation: aɪdiə part of speech: noun estimate in spanish: estimar, pronunciation: estəmət part of speech: noun, verb appraisal in spanish: evaluación, pronunciation: əpreɪzəl part of speech: noun approximation in spanish: aproximación, pronunciation: əprɑksəmeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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