Estimated in spanish


pronunciation: estimɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

estimate2 = hacer una estimación, estimar. 

Example: For example, without scanning the entire index it is impossible to estimate the total number of relevant documents in the system, a figure that is required in the calculation of recall.


» guesstimate = estimar grosso modo.

Example: In a nutshell, geolocation analyzes the user's IP address (the number associated with your computer) to guesstimate where the user is accessing the Internet.

» overestimate [over-estimate] = sobreestimar, sobrevalorar. 

Example: It is virtually impossible to overestimate the importance of LC on bibliographic control in the nation's libraries or, for that matter, in the libraries of the world.

» underestimate = subestimar, infravalorar, desvalorar. 

Example: Yet such indices appear to underestimate the inflation being experienced in the libraries themselves.

estimated = estimado, calculado. 

Example: This youthfulness explains the estimated loss to the profession of 105 librarians by 1983.

Estimated synonyms

calculable in spanish: calculable, pronunciation: kælkjələbəl part of speech: adjective
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