Esthetic in spanish


pronunciation: estetikoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

esthetic [aesthetic, -UK] = estético. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que contienen esta secuencia de vocales en inglés británico y que se reduce a -e- en inglés americano]

Example: Library buildings are now planned to be aesthetic as well as functional; in addition, books are designed to look attractive = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que contienen esta secuencia de vocales en inglés británico y que se reduce a -e- en inglés americano.

aesthetic [esthetic, -USA] = estético. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que contienen esta secuencia de vocales en inglés británico y que se reduce a -e- en inglés americano]

Example: Library buildings are now planned to be aesthetic as well as functional; in addition, books are designed to look attractive = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que contienen esta secuencia de vocales en inglés británico y que se reduce a -e- en inglés americano.


» aesthetic education = enseñanza de bellas artes. [Término especialmente utilizado en los países socialistas]

Example: To overcome these, libraries should remember that aesthetic education is an essential part of the education of workers; particular attention should be paid to work with youth, factory and agricultural workers.

» unaesthetic = poco estético, antiestético.

Example: I defy anybody to say that the entries using full ISBD punctuation are in any way confusing, unattractive, unaesthetic, or whatever.

Esthetic synonyms

beautiful in spanish: hermoso, pronunciation: bjutəfəl part of speech: adjective aesthetic in spanish: estético, pronunciation: esθetɪk part of speech: adjective cosmetic in spanish: cosmético, pronunciation: kɑzmetɪk part of speech: adjective sensuous in spanish: sensual, pronunciation: senʃəwəs part of speech: adjective artistic in spanish: artístico, pronunciation: ɑrtɪstɪk part of speech: adjective pleasing in spanish: agradable, pronunciation: plizɪŋ part of speech: adjective tasteful in spanish: de buen gusto, pronunciation: teɪstfəl part of speech: adjective aesthetical in spanish: estética, pronunciation: esθetɪkəl part of speech: adjective painterly in spanish: pictóricamente, pronunciation: peɪntɜrli part of speech: adjective enhancive in spanish: potenciador, pronunciation: enhænsɪv part of speech: adjective esthetical in spanish: estética, pronunciation: ɪsθetɪkəl part of speech: adjective

Esthetic antonyms

unaesthetic pronunciation: ənəsθetɪk part of speech: adjective inaesthetic pronunciation: ɪnəsθetɪk part of speech: adjective
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