Estate in spanish


pronunciation: inmuebles part of speech: noun
In gestures

estate1 = propiedad, finca. 

Example: The Portland Archive is one of the most valuable family and estate archives in the country describing how the Porland family built up its estates.


» business estate = parque comercial, polígono comercial.

Example: This project will entail the construction and development of a business estate.

» estate agent = agencia inmobiliaria.

Example: The author looks at some of the systems used by UK and US estate agents for marketing properties.

» estate archive = archivo familiar.

Example: The Portland Archive is one of the most valuable family and estate archives in the country describing how the Porland family built up its estates.

» estate grounds = terrenos de la finca.

Example: The estate grounds are set out as gardens, grazing areas for animals and car parking spaces.

» high estate = alta posición.

Example: Both novels tell essentially the same story, that of a woman sundered from her high estate and her betrothed.

» landed estate = terrenos, tierras, bienes raíces.

Example: An estate archive may be defined as an accumulation of records relating to the acquisition and management of a landed estate.

» private estate = finca privada, propiedad privada.

Example: Some of these sites were once large private estates long since transformed into public parks and wildlife preserves = Algunos de estos lugares fueron grandes propiedades privadas que desde hace tiempo pasaron a ser parques públicos y reservas naturales.

» real estate = propiedad inmobiliaria, bienes inmuebles.

Example: The law recognises and protects three categories of property: real estate; personal property; and intellectual property.

» real estate agency = agencia inmobiliaria.

Example: Not every real estate agency can help you find the greatest property or home to suit your needs.

» real estate agent = agencia inmobiliaria.

Example: The WWW edition is updated weekly and includes news and sport and advertisements from the printed newspaper such as those for motor cars and real estate agents.

» real estate brokerage = agencia inmobiliaria.

Example: The application of this method in a real estate brokerage is presented and a complete ES prototype is described.

» real estate company = compañía inmobiliaria.

Example: And then the real estate company went broke and left the residents in more dire straits than they had been before the bust.

» real estate development = desarrollo inmobiliario.

Example: The total investment in real estate development from January to August was 4,368 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 15.6 percent.

» real estate firm = agencia inmobiliaria.

Example: Some businesses, such as travel agencies and real estate firms are finding the interactive system attractive.

» real estate industry, the = industria inmobiliaria, la.

Example: The fortunes of the real estate industry seem to be turning for the better.

» real estate information = información sobre propiedades inmobiliarias.

Example: This article describes the general area of real estate information, which as with so many business topics can be found in general business data bases, specialised related data bases, full text newspaper data bases and in niche data bases.

» real estate property tax = impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI), contribución urbana, contribución municipal.

Example: Real estate property taxes are generally due in January and July of each calendar year.

» real estate tax = impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI), contribución urbana, contribución municipal.

Example: In some states, it is permissible to separate the real estate tax into two separate taxes -- one the land value and one on the building value.

estate2 = urbanización, zona residencial, conjunto residencial, colonia. 

Example: The Clifton branch serves an estate that is rather cut off from the rest of the city of Nottingham.


» council estate = urbanización de viviendas sociales.

Example: In Britain, this meant the dislocation and scattering of what were close-knit communities either to sprawling suburban council estates, often grossly lacking in amenities, or to blocks of high-rise flats.

» housing estate = urbanización, complejo residencial, colonia.

Example: Libraries formed a major part of the reconstruction of Poland after World War II and they are to be found in such diverse places as housing estates and office blocks.

» industrial estate = polígono industrial, complejo industial.

Example: The author examines the social and architectural history of the industrial estate, using evidence from the experiences of working people.

» private estate = urbanización privada.

Example: According to the law, commercial vehicles are not allowed to park in private estates = Por ley, a los vehículos privados no se le está permitido aparcar en fincas privadas.

estate3 = legado, herencia, patrimonio. 

Example: Her murder conviction can be used as evidence in a bid to disinherit her from her husband's estate.

Estate synonyms

land in spanish: tierra, pronunciation: lænd part of speech: noun demesne in spanish: heredad, pronunciation: dɪmesn part of speech: noun acres in spanish: hectáreas, pronunciation: eɪkɜrz part of speech: noun landed estate in spanish: estado de tierra, pronunciation: lændədɪsteɪt part of speech: noun estate of the realm in spanish: finca del reino, pronunciation: ɪsteɪtʌvðərelm part of speech: noun
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