Establishment in spanish


pronunciation: estɑbleθimientoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

establishment1 = establecimiento, creación. 

Example: Music, especially classical works, often requires the establishment of a uniform title.


» disestablishment = cancelación, anulación, terminación. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Disarmament in its absolute sense requires the global destruction of weaponry and the disestablishment of all armed forces.

» establishment of + a uniform heading = normalización de un encabezamiento.

Example: The authority entry serves as complete statement of information pertaining to the establishment of a uniform heading and the formulation of its associated references.

» re-establishment [reestablishment] = restablecimiento, reimplantación. 

Example: As such, their interest in species re-establishment has tended to be limited to where it has appeared to be the most efficient approach to producing wood.

establishment2 = establecimiento, institución, organización. 

Example: Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.


» anti-establishment = inconformista, antiinstitucional, en contra de las instituciones.

Example: There was also a swell of private endeavour, particularly from people who thought of themselves as anti-establishment, counter-culture groups.

» commercial establishment = establecimiento comercial.

Example: Others believe that a library should not leave the provision of desired services to commercial establishments and research firms who must make a profit.

» disestablishment = separación del Estado de la Iglesia, separación del Estado de la religión. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: He is remembered for having taught us that disestablishment, which America was the first nation to institutionalize, was good for both civil society and religion.

» educational establishment = institución académica.

Example: Only the major educational establishments can be sufficiently well equipped with computing technology within the next five year plan.

» government establishment = institución del gobierno.

Example: Reports may be regarded as accounts from government establishments, scientific institutions, and industrial laboratories about work performed and results achieved, rendered to their clients and sponsors.

» legal establishment, the = instituciones legales, las.

Example: The legal establishment is all in a flutter because it is slowly starting to realise that social media is creating a space within which it is powerless.

» penal establishment = penitenciaría, establecimiento penitenciario.

Example: Prisoners, male and female, in all penal establishments in England and Wales in 1997 were surveyed.

» political establishment, el = gobierno, el.

Example: These plays used the experience of white American sailors enslaved in Algiers by Barbary pirates as a mask behind which their abolitionist authors could criticize moral abuses in the political establishment of America.

establishment3 = imprenta. [Término usado en la historia de la imprenta]

Example: Certainly the larger establishments of the early machine-press period, which produced comparable numbers of damp sheets, found it necessary to install heated drying rooms.

Establishment synonyms

organization in spanish: organización, pronunciation: ɔrgənəzeɪʃən part of speech: noun institution in spanish: institución, pronunciation: ɪnstɪtuʃən part of speech: noun administration in spanish: administración, pronunciation: ædmɪnɪstreɪʃən part of speech: noun constitution in spanish: constitución, pronunciation: kɑnstətuʃən part of speech: noun brass in spanish: latón, pronunciation: bræs part of speech: noun governance in spanish: gobernancia, pronunciation: gʌvɜrnəns part of speech: noun formation in spanish: formación, pronunciation: fɔrmeɪʃən part of speech: noun validation in spanish: validación, pronunciation: vælədeɪʃən part of speech: noun organisation in spanish: organización, pronunciation: ɔrgənɪzeɪʃən part of speech: noun ecesis in spanish: ecesis, pronunciation: ɪsisəs part of speech: noun
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