Established in spanish


pronunciation: estɑbleθidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

establish = establecer, crear, determinar, consolidar, instaurar, asentar. 

Example: The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.


» disestablish = cancelar, anular, terminar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: This form should be used by a man who wishes to disestablish paternity or terminate a child support obligation because he is not the biological father of the child(ren).

» disestablish = separar el Estado de la Iglesia, separar el Estado de la religión. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: In England there was a campaign by Liberals, dissenters and nonconformists to disestablish the Church of England in the 19th century.

» establish + a balance = establecer un equilibrio, crear un equilibrio.

Example: Copyright has established a balance between the users and rights holders = El derecho de autor ha creado un equilibrio entre los usuarios y los titulares del mismo.

» establish + a channel for = crear un canal para, establecer un canal para.

Example: Channels for the acquisition of some of these excluded categories had already been established.

» establish + a convention = establecer una convención.

Example: Capitalization should follow the conventions established by the cataloguing agency responsible for the entry.

» establish + a familiarity with = entablar amistad con, trabar amistad con, hacerse amigo de.

Example: Her attitude enabled him, and everyone else on the staff from what he could gather in the brief time he had been there, to establish a pleasant familiarity with her.

» establish + a heading = asignar un encabezamiento.

Example: In certain cases the cataloguing agency responsible for the authority entry may establish one or more alternate forms of the uniform heading which are recognized as having parallel or equal status.

» establish + a link = establecer conexión.

Example: ISI's indexes are unique in establishing links between articles based on the references cited in their bibliographies.

» establish + a policy = establecer normas de funcionamiento.

Example: As used in their book, planning covers a wide range of activities, including establishing policies, clarifying objectives, and making decisions.

» establish + a principle = establecer un principio.

Example: Document descriptions may be drafted for a wide variety of different kinds of library material, but some common principles can be established.

» establish + a record = establecer un récord, demostrar ser.

Example: ACPAD has established a record as an efficient and effective distributor of publications to libraries in the Pacific.

» establish + a record as = crearse el prestigio de ser.

Example: The success that ACPAD has had in attracting donations suggests that it has established an enviable record as an efficient and effective distributor of publications to institution libraries.

» establish + categories = establecer una categoría, crear una categoría.

Example: Fourier techniques are useful for establishing categories for sequences with inherent periodicities.

» establish + contacts with = establecer contactos con.

Example: I have been trying to establish contacts in Calgary but so far haven't had much luck and so this message to the list.

» establish + priorities = establecer prioridades.

Example: Money should be spent wisely by establishing proper priorities and eliminating the trivial and pointless tasks often assigned to libraries.

» establish + standards = establecer normas.

Example: According to Freud, the latency period serves as a time for establishing standards and values.

» establish + strong positions = afianzarse.

Example: Industry observers felt that Microsoft was losing ground to companies that had established strong positions, such as Netscape Communications Corp.

» establish + the presence of = determinar la presencia de.

Example: In many cases people in their late teens will have had an orthopantomograph taken to establish the presence of third molar or wisdom teeth.

» establish + the tone = marcar el tono, marcar las pautas.

Example: The manner of this initial presentation is important because it will establish the tone for the discussion that follows.

» establish + values = establecer valores.

Example: According to Freud, the latency period serves as a time for establishing standards and values.

» re-establish [reestablish] = restablecer. 

Example: Local professional autonomy must be reestablished through experimental system development, where centralised modules are supplemented with local systems.

established = consolidado, consumado, reconocido, tradicional, estable, asentado. 

Example: These are trends designed to to break down boundaries of exclusivity erected by established professions to exploit their monopolistic advantages.


» already-established = establecido previamente.

Example: This decision would place the main entries where they logically belong, adjacent to such already-established forms as HUMAN BIOLOGY, HUMAN ECOLOGY, HUMAN EVOLUTION, and HUMAN GENETICS.

» established fact = hecho demostrado.

Example: Care should be taken that the question asked solicits the information desired and that one does not proceed to make assumptions beyond established facts.

» established heading = encabezamiento autorizado.

Example: An established heading is the authoritative form of a heading that is used as a main entry, subject added entry, added entry, or series added entry in bibliographic records.

» established institution = institución consolidada, institución consumada.

Example: Societal changes shaking all established institutions to their foundations also threaten to engulf the public library.

» established plant = planta consolidada.

Example: Another reason for fertilising is that, in time, established plants use up all the goodness in the surrounding soil.

» established player = veterano, empresa consolidada, empresa con solera, empresa de solera, empresa consumada.

Example: The mysterious decline in the profitability of the children's book market has less to do with an economic slump than with shifts in market share between established players and the newcomers.

» long-established = de mucho arraigo, establecido desde hace tiempo, consolidado, con solera, muy arraigado, ya tradicional, rancio.

Example: The latter statement undervalues long-established interests of SLIS in the field of information and ignores frequently attested movement of SLIS personnel into non-library information posts.

» pre-established [preestablished] = preestablecido, establecido de antemano, predeterminado, determinado de antemano.

Example: EDI refers to the exchange of electronic data in a pre-established standardized format between a sender and receiver using telecommunications links.

» well established = consolidado, muy arraigado, con solera, de mucho arraigo.

Example: By the nineteenth edition synthesis is a well established feature of the scheme.

Established synonyms

secure in spanish: seguro, pronunciation: sɪkjʊr part of speech: verb, adjective firm in spanish: firma, pronunciation: fɜrm part of speech: noun, adjective legitimate in spanish: legítimo, pronunciation: lədʒɪtəmət part of speech: adjective conventional in spanish: convencional, pronunciation: kənvenʃənəl part of speech: adjective foreign in spanish: exterior, pronunciation: fɔrən part of speech: adjective official in spanish: oficial, pronunciation: əfɪʃəl part of speech: adjective, noun orthodox in spanish: ortodoxo, pronunciation: ɔrθədɑks part of speech: adjective set up in spanish: preparar, pronunciation: setʌp part of speech: verb, adjective effected in spanish: efectuado, pronunciation: ɪfektəd part of speech: adjective accomplished in spanish: consumado, pronunciation: əkɑmplɪʃt part of speech: adjective proven in spanish: probado, pronunciation: pruvən part of speech: adjective ingrained in spanish: arraigado, pronunciation: ɪngreɪnd part of speech: adjective habitual in spanish: habitual, pronunciation: həbɪtʃuəl part of speech: adjective entrenched in spanish: atrincherado, pronunciation: entrentʃt part of speech: adjective settled in spanish: colocado, pronunciation: setəld part of speech: adjective accepted in spanish: aceptado, pronunciation: ækseptɪd part of speech: adjective recognized in spanish: Reconocido, pronunciation: rekəgnaɪzd part of speech: adjective proved in spanish: demostrado, pronunciation: pruvd part of speech: adjective deep-seated in spanish: profundamente sentado, pronunciation: dipsitɪd part of speech: adjective planted in spanish: plantado, pronunciation: plæntəd part of speech: adjective grooved in spanish: estriado, pronunciation: gruvd part of speech: adjective naturalized in spanish: naturalizado, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective deep-rooted in spanish: enraizado, pronunciation: diprutɪd part of speech: adjective implanted in spanish: implantado, pronunciation: ɪmplæntɪd part of speech: adjective brought about in spanish: provocado, pronunciation: brɔtəbaʊt part of speech: adjective well-grooved in spanish: bien ranurado, pronunciation: welgruvd part of speech: adjective

Established antonyms

unestablished pronunciation: ənɪstæblɪʃt part of speech: adjective
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