Essence in spanish


pronunciation: esenθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

essence1 = esencia. 

Example: In simple terms, the essence of subject organisation is the division of literature (or references to literature) into manageable, or scannable categories, with each category being associated with an index term.


» in essence = en esencia, básicamente, en resumen, en resumidas cuentas.

Example: In essence these indexing languages are very similar to the lists of subject headings which are used in pre-coordinate indexing.

» of the essence = de suma importancia, esencial, crucial, crítico.

Example: Understanding is of the essence -- natural remedies have never been so popular but it is important to know how they work.

» time + be of the essence = tiempo + apremiar, tiempo + ser esencial, tiempo + ser de suma importancia, tiempo + ser crucial.

Example: I think we would have done it eventually, but not as quickly as this and, with time being of the essence, this has really taken a load off her mind.

essence2 = esencia, extracto, sustancia. 

Example: Fig. 118 represents one form of hydraulic oil-press suitable for extracting oils or essences from seed and roots.


» plant essence = esencia vegetal.

Example: Aromatherapy is the use of plant essences in healing.

» vanilla essence = esencia de vainilla.

Example: Vanilla extract is derived from soaking vanilla pods in a mixture of water and ethyl alcohol which take up the flavour of vanilla while vanilla essence is produced from chemicals.

Essence synonyms

effect in spanish: efecto, pronunciation: ɪfekt part of speech: noun heart in spanish: corazón, pronunciation: hɑrt part of speech: noun center in spanish: centrar, pronunciation: sentɜr part of speech: noun core in spanish: núcleo, pronunciation: kɔr part of speech: noun gist in spanish: esencia, pronunciation: dʒɪst part of speech: noun burden in spanish: carga, pronunciation: bɜrdən part of speech: noun substance in spanish: sustancia, pronunciation: sʌbstəns part of speech: noun meat in spanish: carne, pronunciation: mit part of speech: noun sum in spanish: suma, pronunciation: sʌm part of speech: noun marrow in spanish: médula, pronunciation: meroʊ part of speech: noun kernel in spanish: núcleo, pronunciation: kɜrnəl part of speech: noun pith in spanish: médula, pronunciation: pɪθ part of speech: noun nub in spanish: protuberancia, pronunciation: nʌb part of speech: noun perfume in spanish: perfume, pronunciation: pɜrfjum part of speech: noun nitty-gritty in spanish: meollo, pronunciation: nɪtigrɪti part of speech: noun inwardness in spanish: espiritualidad, pronunciation: ɪnwɜrdnəs part of speech: noun
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