Essay in spanish


pronunciation: ensɑioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

essay1 = ensayo, redacción, composición. 

Example: In a journal most formal items including articles, essays, discussions and reviews can be expected to be accompanied by an abstract.


» essay assignment = trabajo de clase.

Example: Internet also enables enterprising would-be cheaters to cut and paste material for easy and relatively thought-free composition of essay assignments.

» essay competition = concurso de redacción.

Example: This the winning essay entered in the essay competition 'Cataloguing at the crossroads'.

» review essay = artículo de revisión.

Example: The article 'The Wild Goose Chase' is a review essay on Umberto Eco's book, The Search for the Perfect Language, tracing the evolution of the search for a perfect universal language from biblical times through the present.

» write + an essay = escribir un trabajo.

Example: Such books have to be zealously guarded by library staff in the interests of other students who may well be required to write an essay on the same subject at the same time.

essay2 = intentar. 

Example: But instead he essayed to give an account of what had occurred, with an affectation of bewildered simplicity.

Essay synonyms

test in spanish: prueba, pronunciation: test part of speech: noun seek in spanish: buscar, pronunciation: sik part of speech: verb prove in spanish: probar, pronunciation: pruv part of speech: verb assay in spanish: ensayo, pronunciation: æsi part of speech: noun try in spanish: tratar, pronunciation: traɪ part of speech: verb attempt in spanish: intento, pronunciation: ətempt part of speech: noun, verb examine in spanish: examinar, pronunciation: ɪgzæmɪn part of speech: verb try out in spanish: probar, pronunciation: traɪaʊt part of speech: verb
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