Escape in spanish


pronunciation: eskɑpɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

ESC (escape) = tecla de escape. [Tecla que generalmente se usa para anular la acción anterior]

Example: For HELP with any of these functions, press <ESC>.

escape1 = escape, evasión, fuga. 

Example: The public library is a way of escape from the narrow area of our individual lives into the field, finite, no doubt, but unbounded, of the wisdom and experience of all mankind.


» contrive + an escape = ingeniárselas para escapar.

Example: As he recovers, he overhears a well-intentioned social worker murmuring soothingly about a juvenile facility, and contrives an escape.

» escape artist = escapista.

Example: During the late 1960s, an escape artist jailbroke by using a lock pick, made out of a wire.

» escape character = escape.

Example: Secondly, there are characters or groups of characters which begin with an 'escape character'.

» escape from reality = escape de la realidad, huida de la realidad.

Example: Most of the British public read pulp fiction instead of good literature as an escape from reality.

» escape literature = literatura de escape.

Example: This is because the intellectual content of what much of society would call recreation is low, as is manifest in what is often contemptuously referred to as `escape' literature.

» escape path = vía de escape, ruta de escape, salida.

Example: For this reason, most experts recommend creating an escape path by gapping the second ring up to 1.25 times wider than the top ring gap.

» escape route = vía de escape, ruta de escape, salida.

Example: At present the onus appears to be on individual library directors to develop alternative career paths and escape routes = Por ahora la responsabilidad de desarrollar trayectorias profesionales y vías de escape alternativas parece recaer sobre los directores de la biblioteca en cuestión.

» ESC (escape) = tecla de escape. [Tecla que generalmente se usa para anular la acción anterior]

Example: For HELP with any of these functions, press <ESC>.

» fire escape = salida de incendios, salida de emergencia, escalera de incendios.

Example: Once your fire escape has been refurbished, it's important to have it inspected on a regular basis.

» have + a lucky escape = salvarse de milagro, salvarse por los pelos, volver a nacer, tener un escape afortunado, escaparse por los pelos, librarse por los pelos.

Example: A US woman had a lucky escape when a burglar's bullet bounced off the metal underwire in her bra.

» have + a narrow escape = salvarse de milagro, salvarse por los pelos, volver a nacer, escaparse por los pelos, librarse por los pelos.

Example: I and all friends, thankfully, are safe -- although one or two had narrow escapes.

escape2 = escapar, eludir, evadir, huir, fugarse. 

Example: Other words may be included in a stop-wordlist for some applications, but escape inclusion in other circumstances.


» escape + a problem = escaparse de un problema.

Example: But even keeping a step ahead of data decay and software obsolescence is no guarantee of escaping the problem.

» escape by + the skin of + Posesivo + teeth = salvarse de milagro, salvarse por los pelos, volver a nacer, escaparse por los pelos, librarse por los pelos.

Example: Zelda has since had numerous adventures, escaping by the skin of her teeth at times.

» escape + inclusion = excluir.

Example: Other words may be included in a stop-wordlist for some applications, but escape inclusion in other circumstances.

» escape + injury = salir ileso.

Example: All three escaped injury, but one lost property.

» escape + justice = escapar de la justicia.

Example: More than 250000 fugitives have managed to escape justice in New York and are still on the lam.

» escape + notice = pasar inadvertido.

Example: Finally, a few copies of an edition seem generally to have slipped through with their cancellanda uncancelled, so that examples of the original settings may sometimes be found (occasionally slashed by the warehouse keeper's shears, deliberate defacement which escaped notice).

» escape + reality = escapar de la realidad, huir de la realidad, evadir la realidad, evadirse de la realidad.

Example: Adolescents should be allowed such pleasant means of escaping reality and there's no reason why libraries can't accommodate a little schlock.

» escape + scot-free = escapar impune, salir impune, quedar impune.

Example: Needless to say that his plans go awry, as his first chosen victim dies of natural causes while his second escapes scot-free.

» escape + the clutches of = escaparse de las garras de.

Example: By January 2010 I had flown the coop and escaped the clutches of winter.

» escape + the grip of = escaparse del yugo de.

Example: It is therefore often hard to escape the grip of the official phraseology for fear that, in doing so, the meaning of the material will be altered or lost.

» escape + the oppression = huir de la opresión.

Example: Muriel saw a chance to escape the oppression of her family by tricking her mother into giving her a blank cheque.

» escape + the shackles of = liberarse de.

Example: For New Zealand university libraries the emergence of large fee-based document delivery systems accessible via existing international electronic networks has provided an opportunity to escape the shackles of a limited national library resource base.

» escape + unaffected = evitar ser afectado.

Example: Some children are swayed more than others by the attitudes, opinions, behavior of friends and fellows, but none escapes unaffected, not even the outsider, the loner.

» escape + unscathed = salir ileso, escapar ileso.

Example: It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.

» escape without + a scratch = escapar sin un rasguño, escapar sin un arañazo, salir ileso, escapar ileso.

Example: Luckily, he escaped without a scratch and now has a great story to tell his buddies.

» let + Nombre + escape = dejar escapar a Alguien.

Example: There is nothing wrong with killing enemy soldiers that are attacking you and it would seem foolhardy just to let them escape.

» there + be + no escaping the fact that = ser un hecho ineludible que.

Example: However, there is no escaping the fact that many fish are piscivores; that is, their natural diet isn't insects and crustaceans, but fish.

Escape synonyms

miss in spanish: perder, pronunciation: mɪs part of speech: noun, verb flight in spanish: vuelo, pronunciation: flaɪt part of speech: noun elude in spanish: eludir, pronunciation: ɪlud part of speech: verb leak in spanish: fuga, pronunciation: lik part of speech: noun, verb evasion in spanish: evasión, pronunciation: ɪveɪʒən part of speech: noun get off in spanish: bajate, pronunciation: getɔf part of speech: verb leakage in spanish: fuga, pronunciation: likədʒ part of speech: noun outflow in spanish: salida, pronunciation: aʊtfloʊ part of speech: noun escapism in spanish: evasión, pronunciation: ɪskeɪpɪzəm part of speech: noun get out in spanish: salí, pronunciation: getaʊt part of speech: verb dodging in spanish: regate, pronunciation: dɑdʒɪŋ part of speech: noun get by in spanish: arreglárselas, pronunciation: getbaɪ part of speech: verb get away in spanish: Aléjate, pronunciation: getəweɪ part of speech: verb break loose in spanish: liberarse con fuerza, pronunciation: breɪklus part of speech: verb safety valve in spanish: válvula de seguridad, pronunciation: seɪftivælv part of speech: noun escape cock in spanish: escapar de la polla, pronunciation: ɪskeɪpkɑk part of speech: noun relief valve in spanish: Válvula de seguridad, pronunciation: rɪlifvælv part of speech: noun escape valve in spanish: válvula de huida, pronunciation: ɪskeɪpvælv part of speech: noun
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