Erosion in spanish


pronunciation: eɹ̩oʊsioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

erosion = erosión. 

Example: Rivers, erosion, towns and glaciers are all phenomena studied by geography.


» beach erosion = erosión de la playa.

Example: Haphazard coral mining has weakened the reef which serves as a natural breakwater dyke, causing severe beach erosion.

» cause + erosion = causar daños, dañar, perjudicar.

Example: The replacement of the book catalog by the card catalog has caused a grave erosion of the ideal catalog sought by Panizzi and Cutter.

» river erosion = erosión de los ríos.

Example: This digital tapestry outlines the geologic story of continental collision and break-up, mountain-building, river erosion and deposition, glaciation, volcanism, and other events and processes that have shaped the region.

» soil erosion = erosión del suelo.

Example: Anecdotal records describe habitat destruction through soil erosion due to burrowing by puffins, shearwaters and stoats.

» wind erosion = erosión eólica, erosión producida por el viento.

Example: Wind erosion on summer fallow is a pervasive problem on the semi-arid Canadian prairies.

Erosion synonyms

corrosion in spanish: corrosión, pronunciation: kɜroʊʒən part of speech: noun wearing in spanish: vistiendo, pronunciation: werɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective eroding in spanish: erosionando, pronunciation: ɪroʊdɪŋ part of speech: noun corroding in spanish: corroer, pronunciation: kɜroʊdɪŋ part of speech: noun wearing away in spanish: desgaste, pronunciation: werɪŋəweɪ part of speech: noun eating away in spanish: comiendo lejos, pronunciation: itɪŋəweɪ part of speech: noun
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