Erase in spanish


pronunciation: boʊrɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

erase = borrar, eliminar, erradicar. 

Example: Pressing the delete key erases a characters without leaving a blank space.


» erase + boundaries = eliminar barreras.

Example: Examples of determined efforts to erase the intellectual boundaries between the profit-generating models of business and the intellectual pursuits of the academic community are considered = Se analizan ejemplos de esfuerzos determinados para eliminar las barreras intelectuales entre los modelos comerciales con fines lucrativos y las actividades propias de la comunidad académica.

» ERASE FIELD key = tecla de borrado de campo.

Example: The ERASE FIELD key erases all characters in the input field to the right of where the cursor is located.

» ERASE INPUT key = tecla de borrado de datos.

Example: The ERASE INPUT key erases all input fields on the screen, that is, all areas where data has been entered.

» erase + misconceptions = erradicar falsas ideas.

Example: Measurement of library activities can provide the evidence to erase misconceptions and add weight to those aspects of service that present a more powerful image = La medición de las actividades bibliotecarias puede proporcionar las pruebas necesarias para erradicar falsas ideas y apoyar aquellos aspectos del servicio que presentan una mejor imagen de la biblioteca.

Erase synonyms

efface in spanish: borrar, pronunciation: ɪfeɪs part of speech: verb delete in spanish: borrar, pronunciation: dɪlit part of speech: verb wipe out in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: waɪpaʊt part of speech: verb rub out in spanish: borrar, pronunciation: rʌbaʊt part of speech: verb wipe off in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: waɪpɔf part of speech: verb score out in spanish: tachar a, pronunciation: skɔraʊt part of speech: verb

Erase antonyms

record pronunciation: rəkɔrd part of speech: noun tape pronunciation: teɪp part of speech: noun
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