Eradicate in spanish


pronunciation: erɑdikɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

eradicate = erradicar, exterminar, hacer desaparecer, eliminar, desterrar. 

Example: In this instance links would be insufficient to eradicate the false drop.


» eradicate + image = borrar una imagen.

Example: This article urges librarians to fight to eradicate the negative image they have in the eyes of the public, municipal officials and political leaders.

» eradicate + inequality = erradicar una desigualdad.

Example: The raison d'etre of the ALA is not to erradicate racial injustice and inequalities and to promote human brotherhood.

» eradicate + injustice = erradicar una injusticia.

Example: The raison d'etre of the ALA is not to erradicate racial injustice and inequalities and to promote human brotherhood.

Eradicate synonyms

eliminate in spanish: eliminar, pronunciation: ɪlɪməneɪt part of speech: verb decimate in spanish: diezmar, pronunciation: desəmeɪt part of speech: verb annihilate in spanish: aniquilar, pronunciation: ənaɪəleɪt part of speech: verb extirpate in spanish: extirpar, pronunciation: ekstɜrpeɪt part of speech: verb extinguish in spanish: extinguir, pronunciation: ɪkstɪŋgwɪʃ part of speech: verb uproot in spanish: desarraigar, pronunciation: əprut part of speech: verb exterminate in spanish: exterminar, pronunciation: ɪkstɜrməneɪt part of speech: verb wipe out in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: waɪpaʊt part of speech: verb carry off in spanish: llevarse, pronunciation: kæriɔf part of speech: verb
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