Era in spanish


pronunciation: eɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

era = era, época. 

Example: Thus, as we stand on the threshold of what is undoubtedly a new era in catalog control, it is worth considering to what extent the traditional services of the Library will continue in the forms now available.


» bygone era = época pasada.

Example: Others consist of historical buildings that have been preserved or restored to serve as reminders of bygone eras = Otros son edificios históricos que se han conservado y restaurado para servir como recuerdo de épocas pasadas.

» common era, the (C.E.) = era cristiana, la.

Example: The codex was truly the invention that revolutionized the arrangement and processing of information in the earliest centuries of the common era.

» electrocopying era, the = era de la copia electrónica, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: We argue strongly for the continuation into the electro-copying era of the fair dealing provisions in legislation designed for the photocopying era.

» information era = era de la información.

Example: Like the popular image of a prehistoric iceman taken from a glacier and warmed back to life, libraries were startled awake to a new information era = Como la imagen popular de un hombre prehistórico de la edad del hielo sacado de un glaciar y devuelto a la vida, las bibliotecas se despertaron sobresaltadas en una nueva era de la información.

» in past eras = en épocas anteriores, en el pasado.

Example: The needs of today's information users place demands on our information services far more acute than were normal in past eras.

» in the digital era = en la era digital.

Example: In the digital era, librarians may need to develop ongoing programs to counter recurring technical obsolescence.

» modern era, the = era moderna, la.

Example: The postcard collection consists of 292 postcards from the turn of the century to the modern era.

» of the era = de la época.

Example: One of the most famous lawman of all time, Wyatt Earp was also an accomplished gunslinger who was greatly feared by the outlaws of the era.

» photocopying era, the = era de la fotocopia, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: We argue strongly for the continuation into the electro-copying era of the fair dealing provisions in legislation designed for the photocopying era.

» pre-Christian era = era anterior al Cristianismo.

Example: The term 'public library' may be applied to some libraries in the pre-Christian era but its meaning differed considerably from that of today.

» print era, the = era de la imprenta, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Rather than bemoan the inevitable loss of the distinctive characteristics of the print era, let us build on the extraordinary strengths of digital information to preserve the best of our heritage.

» reach + the end of an era = llegar al fin de una era.

Example: Even though he obtained his journalism degree with honors, he chose to continue working as a Linotype operator until his retirement when Linotype reached the end of an era.

» Victorian Era, the = época victoriana, la.

Example: In the West bathing costumes for females were first designed in the 19th century both in America and Great Britain during the Victorian Era.

Era synonyms

epoch in spanish: época, pronunciation: epək part of speech: noun
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