Equivocal in spanish


pronunciation: ekiboʊkoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

equivocal = equívoco. 

Example: It is precisely such programme arrangements which seemed, upon examination, to produce an equivocal stance on the question of applying the technology in a user-orientated way.


» unequivocal = inequívoco, rotundo, tajante, contundente, claro.

Example: The exhaustive and unequivocal definition of the nature and types of material qualifying to be described as ephemera could probably form the basis of a learned dissertation.

Equivocal synonyms

ambiguous in spanish: ambiguo, pronunciation: æmbɪgjuəs part of speech: adjective ambivalent in spanish: ambivalente, pronunciation: æmbɪvələnt part of speech: adjective double in spanish: doble, pronunciation: dʌbəl part of speech: adjective evasive in spanish: evasivo, pronunciation: ɪveɪzɪv part of speech: adjective indeterminate in spanish: indeterminado, pronunciation: ɪndɪtɜrmɪnɪt part of speech: adjective questionable in spanish: cuestionable, pronunciation: kwestʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective inconclusive in spanish: poco concluyente, pronunciation: ɪnkənklusɪv part of speech: adjective forked in spanish: ahorquillado, pronunciation: fɔrkt part of speech: adjective

Equivocal antonyms

unequivocal pronunciation: ənɪkwɪvəkəl part of speech: adjective unambiguous pronunciation: ənæmbɪgjəwəs part of speech: adjective univocal pronunciation: ənɪvəkəl part of speech: adjective
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