Equivalent in spanish


pronunciation: ekibɑlente part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

equivalent1 = equivalente. 

Example: The decision was taken to replace the conventional darkroom equipment with modern, digital equivalents.


» full-time equivalent (FTE) = equivalente a tiempo completo. [Se utiliza para indicar el equivalente a tiempo completo de un grupo de personas que realizan determinada labor a tiempo parcial]

Example: These five colleges together enroll more than 20,000 full-time equivalent students.

equivalent2 = equivalente. 

Example: Stanton drew a breath and went on, 'We'll accept equivalent experience in lieu of professional experience... Let me get the exact wording' -- she fumbled through some papers in a folder -- 'so long as it, ah! here it is, quote, is sufficient to indicate ability to do the job, unquote'.


» be equivalent to = equivaler, ser igual a.

Example: = is equivalent to UF; - is equivalent to Use; < is equivalent to BT, > is equivalent to NT; -- is equivalent to RT.

» equivalent term = término equivalente. [Término usado para representar el mismo concepto que otro término]

Example: An equivalent term is a term used to represent the same concept as another term.

» equivalent to = equivalente a.

Example: Sometimes it is acceptable to treat such words or concepts as equivalent to one another, and on other occasions it is important to differentiate between such terms.

» full-time equivalent staff (FTE staff) = personal equivalente a tiempo completo, personal equivalente a jornada completa. [Se utiliza para indicar el equivalente en personal de tiempo completo de personal a tiempo parcial que trabaja en una empresa]

Example: 18% of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff occupying posts for trained librarians and information scientists are unqualified.

Equivalent synonyms

like in spanish: me gusta, pronunciation: laɪk part of speech: verb, adjective same in spanish: mismo, pronunciation: seɪm part of speech: adjective equal in spanish: igual, pronunciation: ikwəl part of speech: adjective eq in spanish: eq, pronunciation: ək part of speech: noun equivalent weight in spanish: peso equivalente, pronunciation: ɪkwɪvələntweɪt part of speech: noun combining weight in spanish: combinando peso, pronunciation: kəmbaɪnɪŋweɪt part of speech: noun

Equivalent antonyms

unlike pronunciation: ənlaɪk part of speech: adjective unequal pronunciation: ənikwəl part of speech: adjective
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