Equip in spanish


pronunciation: ekipɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

equip = equipar, dotar, acondicionar. 

Example: We do not pretend to have equipped you with an instant expertise in the subject analysis and classification of documents.


» equip with = dotar de/con, equipar de/con.

Example: This article describes an information literacy programme which aims to equip students with the knowledge and ability to effectively use the full range of available tools for accessing, retrieving and managing information.

» re-equip [reequip] = reequipar, volver a equipar, volver a dotar. 

Example: The Oxford and Cambridge University Presses were re-equipped with the best available typographic materials late in the century.

Equip synonyms

fit in spanish: ajuste, pronunciation: fɪt part of speech: verb, noun outfit in spanish: equipar, pronunciation: aʊtfɪt part of speech: noun fit out in spanish: equipar, pronunciation: fɪtaʊt part of speech: verb
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