Equinox in spanish


pronunciation: ekinoʊkθioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

equinox = equinoccio. 

Example: Of the solstices and equinoxes, the winter solstice was the most important, since it marked the rebirth of the sun after the shortest day.


» autumnal equinox = equinoccio de otoño.

Example: The day after the autumnal equinox the circle will be below the celestial equator.

» fall equinox = equinoccio de otoño.

Example: The fall equinox marks the day of equal light and dark hours that happens in late September.

» spring equinox = equinoccio de primavera.

Example: The spring equinox is one of the four great solar festivals of the year.

» vernal equinox = equinoccio de primavera.

Example: This occurs at the vernal equinox on March 21, when day and night are of equal length.

Equinox synonyms

equinoctial point in spanish: punto equinoccial, pronunciation: ekwənɑkʃəlpɔɪnt part of speech: noun
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