Equally in spanish


pronunciation: iguɑlmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

equally = igualmente, de igual modo, tanto ... como ..., por igual. 

Example: Porous Bavarian limestone was used as this absorbs grease and water equally.


» equally + Adjetivo = de igual + Nombre, del mismo + Nombre.

Example: Equally important is the fact that a title only reflects the main theme of a document; subsidiary themes are not represented.

» equally as + Adjetivo + as = tan + Adjetivo + como.

Example: We need someone equally as empty-headed and vapidly moronic as Elisabeth Hasselbeck to replace her.

» equally importantly = igualmente.

Example: Equally importantly, it strives to reflect the latest developments in the field of cooperative activities.

» treat + Nombre + equally = tratar a Alguien del mismo modo, tratar a Alguien por igual, juzgar a Alguien con el mismo patrón, medir a Alguien con el mismo patrón.

Example: Equality means you treat everyone equally, not give special treatment to minorities.

» unequally = desigualmente.

Example: If the library is to compensate for social inequalities it must exercise positive discrimination and treat unequals unequally.

Equally synonyms

as in spanish: como, pronunciation: æz part of speech: noun, adverb evenly in spanish: igualmente, pronunciation: ivənli part of speech: adverb every bit in spanish: cada pedacito, pronunciation: evɜribɪt part of speech: adverb

Equally antonyms

unevenly pronunciation: ənivənli part of speech: adverb unequally pronunciation: ənikwəli part of speech: adverb
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