Equality in spanish


pronunciation: iguɑldɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

equality = igualdad. 

Example: The national ethos is much more egalitarian than it was and more and more appeals can successfully be made to the argument of equality in political discussion.


» equality before the law = igualdad ante la ley.

Example: The story of America's struggle to ensure equality before the law for all citizens is a story as old as America itself.

» equality of opportunities = igualdad de oportunidades.

Example: The LA is committed to combatting discrimination and to promoting equality of opportunities.

» equality of rights = igualdad de derechos.

Example: The data serves to show that the traditional model of non-remunerated work persists despite the equality of rights enshrined in the Constitution.

» equality under the law = igualdad ante la ley, igualdad bajo la ley.

Example: Men are not equal, and the demand for equality under the law can by no means be grounded in the contention that equal treatment is due to equals.

» gender equality = igualdad entre los sexos, igualdad de género.

Example: Information professionals and librarians were among the first to experiment with gender equality in language.

» inequality = desigualdad.

Example: The LA is currently conducting a major survey to collect and monitor information on gender, ethnic origin and disability which will enable the LA to highlight and tackle problems of inequality in the profession.

» race equality = igualdad entre las razas, igualdad racial.

Example: The article 'Race equality and information technology in Europe' focuses on how information technology impacts on the quality of life of black people.

» racial equality = igualdad racial.

Example: The Gazette advocated uncompromised racial equality and viewed the migration as a weapon against oppression.

» sex equality = igualdad entre los sexos, igualdad de género.

Example: Despite laudable efforts at the Library of Congress to achieve sex equality in subject cataloguing, signicificant nomenclature remains sexist.

» sexual equality = igualdad entre los sexos, igualdad de género.

Example: The last decade, in particular, has seen a rash of legislation affecting people's rights in the areas of housing, race, sexual equality, employment and consumer protection.

» social equality = igualdad social.

Example: Social equality and economic growth should not be at odds.

Equality synonyms

par in spanish: par, pronunciation: pɑr part of speech: noun equivalence in spanish: equivalencia, pronunciation: ɪkwɪvələns part of speech: noun

Equality antonyms

inequality pronunciation: ɪnɪkwɑləti part of speech: noun
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