Equal in spanish


pronunciation: iguɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

equal1 = igual, par. [Nombre]

Example: However, there is a lack of equality among equals that has to do with the way small libraries can get access to the data base = De cualquier manera, existe una falta de igualdad entre iguales que tiene que ver con la forma en que las bibliotecas pequeñas pueden acceder a la base de datos.


» first among equals = primero entre pares.

Example: The article is entitled 'First among equals: the leadership role of the National Library of Australia'.

» one of equals = uno más, en igualdad de condiciones.

Example: Above all, the relationship between Western experts and the Third World must be one of equal partners, not of donor and recipient.

» treat as + equal = tratar de igual modo.

Example: AACR2 recognised that a cataloguing code of the 1980s must treat all media as equal.

» without equal = sin igual, sin par, incomparable.

Example: The Iberian horse was already regarded as a war horse without equal.

equal2 = igual, mismo. 

Example: Collection development should ideally involve de-acquisitions as an on-going program of equal importance.


» all (other) things being equal = en igualdad de condiciones, si todo sigue igual, si no ocurre ningún imprevisto, si no intervienen otros factores, si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado.

Example: Some of the modern evidence supporting the law of demand shows that, all other things being equal, when the price of a good rises, the amount of it demanded decreases.

» be equal before the law = ser igual ante la ley.

Example: Every person is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law.

» be equal to = estar a la altura de.

Example: She wanted to prove that she was equal to Bernice Washington's confidence in her.

» be equal to the occasion = estar a la altura de las circunstancias, dar la talla.

Example: This may be an optimistic view, but the converse is unquestionable: if he does not understand it, his chance of being equal to the occasion is remote.

» be on (an) equal footing with = equipararse con, estar en igualdad de condiciones con.

Example: Public libraries serving special populations unfamiliar with the concept of a public library must have alternative use measures available to be on equal footing with libraries serving more traditional markets = Las bibliotecas públicas que atienden a comunidades específicas que no están familiarizadas con el concepto de la biblioteca pública deben disponer de indicadores alternativos para poder equipararse con las bibliotecas que atienden a unos mercados más tradicionales.

» carry + equal weight = tener la misma importancia.

Example: The reasons given by librarians for the introduction of community information services into public libraries are not necessarily the right ones or carry equal weight.

» divide + Nombre + in(to) equal parts = dividir Algo en partes iguales, dividir Algo por la mitad.

Example: If members in a country do not reach an agreement on the division of the votes between them, the chief executive officer shall divide the votes in equal parts between them = Si los miembros de un país no llegan a un acuerdo sobre la división de los votos entre ellas, el director ejecutivo dividirá los votos en partes iguales.

» equal employment opportunity = igualdad de oportunidad en el trabajo.

Example: This article examines the policy of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.

» equal opportunity = igualdad de oportunidades.

Example: The British Library Association has issued several statements on recruitment of black librarians and on equal opportunities in employment.

» equal pay = igualdad retributiva, igualdad de retribución, equiparación salarial.

Example: The issue is not that of equal pay, but equal opportunity.

» equal pay for comparable work = igualdad de retribución por un trabajo de valor comparable.

Example: Attainment of equal pay for comparable work should be a high priority in the profession.

» equal pay for equal work = igualdad de retribución por un trabajo de igual valor.

Example: The ruling upheld the complaint that government employees in female dominated categories were not receiving equal pay for equal work.

» equal rights = igualdad de derechos.

Example: This paper discusses the extension of the library staff benefits (sickness, bereavement, parental leave) enjoyed by heterosexual couples to lesbian, bisexual, and gay library staff as part of a drive towards equal rights at the workplace.

» equal sign (=) = signo igual (=).

Example: The equal sign (=) on each of the lines indicates that the two lines describe the same copies.

» equals sign = signo igual.

Example: This form of editing can be done by writing synonyms at their appropriate level of the chain and introducing them with an = (equals) sign.

» equal to = a la altura de.

Example: Here spoke the absolutely confident applicant, the young man equal to this or any other task.

» equal treatment = igualdad de trato.

Example: Clearly, every item that a library acquires cannot receive equal treatment.

» equal treatment directive = directiva sobre la igualdad de trato.

Example: The article assesses the impact of policy developments relative to sexual harassment in the workplace that evolved from the principle of equal pay as established in the Equal Treatment Directive adopted in 1976.

» inequal = desigual.

Example: Statistics show the inequal geographical distribution of these libraries, with 74% of university libraries to be found in the north and central regions, while only 26% are found in the south.

» in equal measure(s) = de igual manera, por igual, a partes iguales.

Example: Despite the fact I heard twitters of laughter from the audience, there is nothing funny in this movie, which mocks Christianity, Judaism, and Islam in equal measures.

» of equal length = de igual longitud, iguales de largo.

Example: This occurs at the vernal equinox on March 21, when day and night are of equal length.

» on an equal basis = en igualdad de condiciones, en condiciones de igualdad.

Example: All appropriate measures shall be taken to establish adequate legal protection of the rights of women on an equal basis with men.

» on (an) equal footing = en condiciones de igualdad, en igualdad de condiciones.

Example: With a payment system the consumer controls production, and all goods compete on an equal footing.

» on equal terms = en igualdad de condiciones, en condiciones de igualdad, sin discriminar.

Example: Rather than take a whole lot of time on this, let me utter a brief commercial on behalf of a book which addresses precisely this area of women-related headings, Joan Marshall's 'On Equal Terms'.

» other things being equal = en igualdad de condiciones.

Example: Other things being equal, the capability of a service will tend to increase as the resources devoted to it increase.

» unequal = desigual.

Example: However, problems arose as a result of combining headings of unequal importance and the multiplicity of languages involved.

equal3 = igualitario, equitativo. [Adjetivo]

Example: For any concept of human rights to be universally accepted, equal respect and mutual comprehension between rival cultures is demanded.


» have + an equal voice in = participar por igual en, tener las mismas prerrogativas.

Example: Each of the three agencies in a consortium is to have an equal voice in planning, policy formation, assignment of responsibilities, evaluation of programs, and the hearing of appeals.

equal4 = ser igual a, igualar. 

Example: Wilson charge a flat one-time fee for backfiles of each data base which equals a one-year subscription to that file.

Equal synonyms

be in spanish: ser, pronunciation: bi part of speech: verb like in spanish: me gusta, pronunciation: laɪk part of speech: verb, adjective peer in spanish: mirar, pronunciation: pɪr part of speech: noun match in spanish: partido, pronunciation: mætʃ part of speech: noun, verb touch in spanish: toque, pronunciation: tʌtʃ part of speech: noun, verb close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective even in spanish: incluso, pronunciation: ivɪn part of speech: adverb tight in spanish: apretado, pronunciation: taɪt part of speech: adjective coordinate in spanish: coordinar, pronunciation: koʊɔrdənət part of speech: verb equivalent in spanish: equivalente, pronunciation: ɪkwɪvələnt part of speech: adjective, noun same in spanish: mismo, pronunciation: seɪm part of speech: adjective rival in spanish: rival, pronunciation: raɪvəl part of speech: noun balanced in spanish: equilibrado, pronunciation: bælənst part of speech: adjective isometric in spanish: isometrico, pronunciation: aɪsəmetrɪk part of speech: adjective, noun equidistant in spanish: equidistante, pronunciation: ekwədɪstənt part of speech: adjective compeer in spanish: compañero, pronunciation: kəmpɪr part of speech: noun equilateral in spanish: equilátero, pronunciation: ikwəlætɜrəl part of speech: adjective equalize in spanish: igualar, pronunciation: ikwəlaɪz part of speech: verb quits in spanish: en paz, pronunciation: kwɪts part of speech: adjective isothermal in spanish: isotérmico, pronunciation: aɪsəθɜrməl part of speech: adjective fifty-fifty in spanish: cincuenta cincuenta, pronunciation: fɪftifɪfti part of speech: adjective coequal in spanish: igual a otro, pronunciation: koʊikwəl part of speech: adjective equalised in spanish: igualado, pronunciation: ikwəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective isometrical in spanish: isometrico, pronunciation: aɪsəmetrɪkəl part of speech: adjective equalized in spanish: igualado, pronunciation: ikwəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective

Equal antonyms

differ pronunciation: dɪfɜr part of speech: verb unlike pronunciation: ənlaɪk part of speech: adjective unequal pronunciation: ənikwəl part of speech: adjective
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